27-08-2022 11:32 AM
I am going to Singapore, Australia, Bali and Dubai in the near future.
How can I use my phone with least cost invovled
27-08-2022 01:27 PM
@mike2410 : As Oz is not in EU, you may only use your usual UK allowances there if you buy or have already as a Smart Benefit the Roam Abroad Pass for £11.40 / month or you have an EE Max Plan. Otherwise you will need to pay the charges or buy roaming add-ons as set out in https://ee.co.uk/help/help-new/roaming-costs/countries/australia .
As to the other countries which are not in EU, you cannot use your usual UK allowances there but will need to pay the charges or buy roaming add-ons as set out in e.g. https://ee.co.uk/help/help-new/roaming-costs/countries/singapore .
If you are on contract, remember to text ROAMING to 150 before you leave UK to ensure roaming is enabled on your account.