Re: No audio on phone calls


Surprisingly I have almost exactly same issue. Except I can hear person on the other side whilst not being heard at all. Also, WhatsApp works fine, so it's not the device issue.

EE Community Support Team

Hello @Angaer

What phone are you using?


I ended up switching to a different network and it's been fine since then.

Xiaomi mi 11t Pro. Haven't had that issue until like 2 days ago. Postcode is UB3 3NQ.

...thx for a hint except I am happy with EE ATM.

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@Angaer wrote:

Surprisingly I have almost exactly same issue. Except I can hear person on the other side whilst not being heard at all. Also, WhatsApp works fine, so it's not the device issue.

As per the posts in the thread you'd previously added to (yours is now a separate thread)...

Is this problem specific to one location, or is it general? Does audio come & go during the call, or is it that once the audio has gone, it never returns - however long the call is kept open for?

Can you use mobile data whilst on a call?

Only outgoing audio. I can hear the person well.

It's not permanent so it happens one day and next it's all ok.

Mobile data could be used in same time.

Location, I had that issue only in UB3, so I am thinking could it be related to any signal jamming device ? Could that affect voice calls?

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

The signal jammer suggestion can be safely ignored, mobile data use proves you're using 4G.

I'd recommend logging examples of problematic calls and reporting them via CS. If you can get 3+ examples over a couple of days, that's likely to help.

Thanks for the suggestion, it just happened an hour ago, same area. Will call CS and ask for their idea.

EE Community Support Team

Hi @Angaer 

Thanks for coming back to us and letting us know. 

Please keep us updated with how you get on after giving us a call on 150 to get the audio looked into. 

Leanne 🙂