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Re: Charges for texts with emoji’s, photos on EE essentials?


Been sending sms messages adding emoji to them.. Been charged 83p  for each emoji. Is this right.  No other network charges for emoji via sms 

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

That's correct, @Alan1206 ! By placing emojis in your texts your phone coverts them from SMS to MMS (Picture Msgs) for which you are charged 83p each MMS. Your phone should warn you it is doing this before you hit Send.

Most, if not all, networks charge you for MMS. O2 certainly does!

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EE Community Star
EE Community Star

When you insert content into a text message that your phone can't submit as SMS, you should get an onscreen warning of this, and the message is converted into MMS. In this way, it's a phone feature not a network one - and Android at least, let's you use the unicode character set that is a lot better at handling emojis as text.

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

Hi @Alan1206 

You can buy an add-on if you send these types of message via EE SMS network. 


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EE standard opening hours are Monday to Friday, 8am to 9pm - Saturday and Sunday, 8am to 8pm.

I have noticed the is like going back to the 1990's!!!!! I will be leaving this network as soon as I can. I have 2 sons on a Sky mobile account costing £10 a month with no extra charges anytime and I think they text more than me! What on earth is going on?

@WhatonEarth20 wrote:

I have noticed the same...

In which case the answer is the same. Sky Mobile charge extra for MMS exactly the same as EE do. Your son's phones are evidently setup differently to yours.

When you insert content into a text message that your phone can't submit as SMS, you should get an onscreen warning of this, and the message is converted into MMS. In this way, it's a phone feature not a network one - and Android at least, let's you use the unicode character set that is a lot better at handling emojis as text.


This is awful and dare I say going back towards 1990! We have noticed the same from March onwards. Better tell Apple to stop developing emojis!

Apple iPhone 13 message to Apple iPhone 15 - and charged

What settings should I actually be looking for?

Am I right in saying:
None of our data or unlimited texts cover ANY messages containing a picture or emojis?
What about if we are on wifi?

@WhatonEarth20 wrote:

None of our data or unlimited texts cover ANY messages containing a picture or emojis?
What about if we are on wifi?

Your text allowance is just that - a text message allowance. As per previous posts in this thread, Android phones give an on-screen notification of "converting to MMS" when non-compatible content is inserted, I assume Apple does similar. My post from 4th March @ 08.10am advises what settings you're looking for.

Your data allowance is for internet-based functions.

If you're connected using the mobile network, internet-based functions will use your data allowance whilst text messages & calls come from your call or text allowance.

If you're connected using WiFi, then calls & text messages use WiFi-calling and are charged in exactly the same way. Any internet-based functions such as apps or Apple-proprietry functions, will use your wireless connection.

Can you clarify things for me. I have just changed for O2 to EE and am on a new EE BB contract which is fine. I used to pay for sending photos on O2  but I have not sought that add on with EE. I notice that at home, the mobile phone connects to the BB and I think this means all calls go through the router which if great as the signal in the house and indeed to town is not great. 

If I am using the iPhone on the mobile signal I would expect to pay to send but if i send a photo from the iPhone while connected to my BB service, will I still be charged?  The helpful person at the call centre said i could use WhatsApp  to send photos and that this would not incur charges. I just need to understand what i can use, what is included in my service and to make sure i adjust my behaviour to avoid unnecessary charges.