23-02-2024 03:51 PM
I've got a bit of a strange issue. There is a number that I call and it rings twice and goes to o2 Voicemail. However if I withhold my number it rings constantly and I can reach that person.
Other mobile numbers work fine without holding my number.
What can the issue be?
23-02-2024 05:04 PM
Hi @Profile closed
Clearly the person you are calling doesn't want to speak you and directs your call to voicemail. On withheld numbers they don't know it's you.
23-02-2024 05:44 PM
They even turned there phone on and off and it still happens straight to voicemail. As I tried and they've said there phone doesn't ring if I don't withhold my number. Surely they've done something
23-02-2024 06:07 PM
Historically O2 & VF had a subtly different ringtone for calls directed straight to voicemail, that may still be the case. Otherwise I agree with the previous responses, a couple of ringtones followed by voicemail is consistent with the incoming call being busied. Direct to voicemail is consistent with the phone being unreachable or your number having been blocked.
Intentionally blocking & unblocking, and comparing the behaviour, would be the way to test this theory.