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How To Extend Ring Time Before A Call Diverts To Voicemail [Verified Way]

Established Contributor
Established Contributor

Hi guys:

This is to help anyone (like me) who needs to extend ring time before a call diverts to voicemail.

First, i am going to suggest updating your android phone with the latest android system update

EE recommend android system update (for various logical reasons): its a good idea...

Second, I have tested this method and know it works (its been posted elsewhere, but here, I am posting a logical step-by-step guide):

increase ring time before someone calling you is diverted to voicemail:

Dial *#61*11# on your keypad (you will see current ring time displayed as an "operator message")

Dial > **61*+447953222222**30# (to set ring time to 30 seconds)

> 30 seconds is max ring time, 5 seconds is minimum ring time (before whoever is calling you is diverted to voicemail)

Dial > *#61*11# again to confirm ring time set to 30 seconds.

thanks to @timsonr1 for posting a solution that actually works... 👍

the trick is:

1. use +447953222222 not 07953222222

2. to dial the + symbol (plus symbol) on an android keypad, long press 0 (you will see the + sign underneath 0 on your keypad).

hope this helps someone out there, because i've only just figured this out after many years 🙂

merry xmas 😊

EE Community Manager
EE Community Manager

Thanks for sharing this tip @OldSchoolTech 🙂

Merry Christmas!



The solution above is correct but it doesn't work on some later model phones; definitely not on my Samsung Galaxy S10 Lite, and searching the forums not on other models as well.  I solved my problem by putting my Sim in an older phone and using OldSchoolTech's method from that phone. After putting the Sim back in my S10 that now had the correct delay I wanted. (I used  Samsung Galaxy S5 Neo, and I've since tried a Galaxy S6 Edge+ and that worked as well).  Incidently, Tech support were not much help, incorrectly stating that the delay time could no longer be altered from the 20 second default. I phoned them back to tell them how I did it, so who knows, maybe they'll investigate why this standard method doesn't work on some later phones.


I've been hunting this down all morning, and was grateful of your suggestion, however, unfortunately, mine resolutely stays on 20 seconds.


Hi Ellie2506, All I can suggest is try a different older phone. I put this solution on another community page and have had a reply saying that it worked using an LG G3, so I suspect that this solution will work in quite a few phones but not every phone. If the Sim size needed is larger, use the surrounds of a free sim card to temporarily increase the size to fit. It's probably worth listing the phone you tried that didn't work, as that may assist others to avoid that model in their search for a model that does work. Regards DSP1

Established Contributor
Established Contributor

hi guys:

thanx to all who bothered replying (because information is power)

DSP1 states:

"I solved my problem by putting my Sim in an older phone and using OldSchoolTech's method from that phone. After putting the Sim back in my S10 that now had correct delay I wanted."

this means the programming (to set delay) is encoded on the SIM network card sent to us from EE, so our phones work (and that's actually very useful information)👍

without testing a number of different phones, the actual reason why my method does not work on certain phones cannot be ascertained easily. (i'm an engineer by training, so i simply test methods, then post results, rather than guessing) 🙂

"later model phones" ...will have later versions of "android system" system on them. these are usually "stock" and "custom"

some manufacturers adapt "stock android", so that might be interfering with my "delay method" (that works on most android phones). (this is just an educated guess).

to help phone owners (such as Ellie2506) i will start compiling two lists (and maybe folks who see this post will join in) 🙂

OldSchoolTech Method Works:

 Pixel 4 (android version 13)  - Tested OK

Samsung Galaxy S5 Neo - Tested OK

Galaxy S6 Edge - Tested OK

LG G3 - Tested OK

OldSchoolTech Method does not work:

Samsung Galaxy S10 Lite (but does work with DSP1's "older phone insert sim" method).

DSP1  states:

"If the Sim size needed is larger, use the surrounds of a free sim card to temporarily increase the size to fit."

i know what DSP1 means by this... Its fiddly... and one has to have older SIM cards available (I think many of us would probably dispose of old SIM cards, they are tiny anyway...)

phone manufacturers have chosen various sim-fit tray configurations, so its best to refer to "sim fit guide" for each manufacturer (and your particular phone), so your SIM does not get damaged (it should click home in the tray without any resistance)

top tip: clean your SIM with a cotton bud and (any) alcohol based cleaner (eg: window cleaner) prior to insert.

from what i can gather, there are 5 SIM configurations in use:

standard SIM

micro SIM

nano SIM

combi SIM

and.. trio SIM

link here (that shows a clear picture of ALL SIM sizes):

there are many guides on youtube showing how to convert SIM sizes. this guide demos "sim adapters" that can be purchased for a "few bucks":

happy easter 🥚

kind regards, OldSchoolTech

@OldSchoolTech  There is 4 sim sizes excluding eSim and EE supply 3 in one sims, you just push out the part you need.  

The standard sim called 1FF is no longer used 


   No phone is using a standard SIM card ( credit card size ). The only device I had that use that size sim was a Motorola Startac but that’s going back way back  before 2000 

Your combi sim is just a 2 in 1 sim and it excludes the nano sim and a 3 in 1 sim is including the nano sim.     These are not 2 different SIM cards as you stated they are just a 2FF and 3FF this is a combi sim. or a 2FF 3FF and 4FF combination and this is a 3 in 1 sim 


To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.

Hi OldSchoolTech

For the list you are compiling, my S5 Neo was running Android 6, and my S6 Edge+ was running Android 7.

When I said to Ellie2506 to use the surrounds of on old Sim, I was meaning that you could use the 3FF Micro surround to temporarily increase the size of a 4FF Nano Sim as I did with the S5 Neo (the S6 uses a Nano sim), or also add the 2FF Mini surround if that size was needed. If you didn't still have those surrounds available, although you can purchase them as you stated, most phone shops will happily give them to you for free. With most, if not all Sims now supplied as 3 in 1 versions, and most modern phones using the Nano Sim, the phone shops are regularly binning the mini and micro surrounds.  

Regards DSP1

Established Contributor
Established Contributor

hi guys;

thanks for clarification regarding "SIM" sizes.

as long as the smaller SIM sits in larger "surround", flush (or flat), it will allow phone owners to solve this issue (the larger SIM is acting as a "template" in effect, so the SIM chip "sits" in the right place 👍

theres basically two lists i can compile and update for phone owners experiencing this issue (it seems well-known)

goal: control number of rings (in seconds) before a call diverts to voicemail.

List 1: OldSchoolTech Method

List 2: DSP1 Sim "Surround" Method

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

OldSchoolTech Method:

Pixel 4 (android version 13) - Tested OK

Samsung Galaxy S5 Neo (Android Ver 6) - Tested OK

Galaxy S6 Edge (Android Ver 7) - Tested OK

LG G3 - Tested OK

HTC One M8 (Android ver 6) - Tested OK

DSP1 Sim "Surround" Method:

Samsung Galaxy S10 Lite - Tested OK

please feel free to update my list to assist other phone owners (on EE network). I would request that contributors have tested my or DSP1's method, before posting, because (as DSP1 points out) all phones are different... 👍

kind regards, OldSchoolTech 🚀


Thank you so much for this! It worked perfectly and now I can get to answer my phone before it diverts to answerphone. Before, it would only ring twice. By the time I heard it ring and got it out of my bag, I had missed the call. Some callers like the GP do not give you the opportunity to call back so I really appreciate this advice. It rings a minimum of 5 times now, plenty of time for me to answer it.

Edit: To help you with your list, the phone that your information worked on was the Doro 6820 and is on the EE network.