04-03-2024 04:55 PM
Hello, when I ring certain people it automatically goes to voicemail rather than ringing, I hang up and call the same person straight away and then it will ring. This is to multiple different numbers and is happening to a few people in my family
04-03-2024 05:27 PM
This is likely to be an issue with the recipient of the call. If your outbound call is connecting to either the phone or voicemail, there is no issue with your phone.
05-03-2024 03:35 AM
It happens when people try to ring me also. There is nothing wrong with my phone or who im calling. This happens to my sister to. I no the person/myself aren’t on a call yet it goes to voicemail on the first attempt but rings fine once I’ve hung up and re rang seconds after
05-03-2024 08:24 AM
Hi @Zoesum84
Thanks for coming to the community.
Do we have any known problems or maintenance showing for your area on the EE Coverage & Network Status Checker | Check your signal if you enter your postcode and select 'check status'?
05-03-2024 08:43 AM
Your initial post only mentioned problems with your outgoing calls, are you also saying that people calling you are getting diverted to voicemail when your phone is on and showing coverage? That's a different issue if so.
28-05-2024 12:53 PM
I have exactly the same issue with my sons phone, rang support and kept on hold whilst they performed checks and "altered some settings" on the account.
Told to re-boot my phone and my wifes (All EE sims) and this had absolutely no effect. Thought it might be a handset setting. but changing the handset didnt work either.
Utter waste of time and no help whatsoever.
28-05-2024 12:59 PM
Leanne it isnt a Coverage issue imho.
Its an EE network issue, to many people have having the same issue and its every call, if it was geographical it wouldnt be every call !
EE have been absolutely useless when fixing this issue . . . its just something we put up with now . . . at the first given opportunity we will leave . . . in fact Ill ask about leaving now as surely this has to be a breach of your service contract.
28-05-2024 02:26 PM
Hi @JasonEandE
Thanks for coming here.
Have you had a replacement SIM card for your Son's number?
Can your son receive texts and make calls?
28-05-2024 02:33 PM
Sounds like a possible VoLTE issue. Maybe the phone is having to drop to 2G and that isn't instant?