Business Caller ID - mobile


I’m trying to understand Business Caller ID, which I’ve apparently been enrolled into. 

Is this really as simple as an automated directory  look up or are there some security features built in?

If a fraudster is spoofing a number, will Business Caller ID show the spoofed business name? If yes, wouldn’t this a false sense of security - making spoof call receivers think they are getting a call from a legitimate business?

Isn’t the real problem that needs to be solved that number spoofing needs to be stopped from being technically possible?

EE Community Support Team

Hi @unknownuser001 

Welcome to the community.

Scammers change tactics from minute to minute, so no solution can guarantee to prevent 100% of unwanted calls.

EE Business Caller ID is a step change in protecting our customers, however, EE can accept no liability in the event of a customer being scammed. You can find more information on Business Caller ID here.


Indeed, we can all agree that no solution can guarantee to prevent 100% of unwanted calls.

But I’m trying to understand how this is even part of a solution? It seems like it has potential to make number spoofing *more* successful and *increase* fraud.

Also, it’s extremely irksome for EE (and other telecoms companies) to attempt to disclaim liability for fraud that they facilitate over their networks.