19-03-2025 10:04 AM
I'm hoping someone can help. For some reason I keep getting voicemail notifications even though I've not got any voicemails. I've had to turn off voicemail as I was getting 20+ notifications a day. I've had a couple since but it's better.
Basically, I've had 1 person leave a message which I listened to and deleted and I keep getting told there is a message. I either keep checking to see if there is anything, or ignore it and any legitimate messages.
On a side note, there also seems no way to actually contact EE without calling (and I'm busy). The chat facility is automated so of no use here. There's no response via social media and everything directs me to the app (and therefore the automated chat) - I also don't like being on my phone while at work so this annoys me further.
Solved! See the answer below or view the solution in context.
19-03-2025 12:53 PM
Hi @ryanofford,
Welcome to the EE Community
What type of notification are you getting, is it the voicemail icon on your phone? With a stuck voicemail icon there are a couple of things you can try. Make sure you have all voicemails deleted and then leave a new voicemail and delete that one which may resolve it. Restarting the phone you may have done already but make sure to try that as well.
If neither of those get rid of the notification it will require one of our guides to access your account and they can remove the stuck icon for you and it should be a quick call to get sorted. We are open 8am to 9pm on the weekdays.
When you call you can select Option 1 to receive a link via text to setup a call back. On the link select Mobile> Tech support> Handset problems> Speak to a guide for a call back within 15 mins.
The reason the bot will refer you to call in this scenario is our chat team are able to assist with billing and general account queries not technical queries. But if you do need help with any billing or account queries in the future our chat team should be able to help.
19-03-2025 12:53 PM
Hi @ryanofford,
Welcome to the EE Community
What type of notification are you getting, is it the voicemail icon on your phone? With a stuck voicemail icon there are a couple of things you can try. Make sure you have all voicemails deleted and then leave a new voicemail and delete that one which may resolve it. Restarting the phone you may have done already but make sure to try that as well.
If neither of those get rid of the notification it will require one of our guides to access your account and they can remove the stuck icon for you and it should be a quick call to get sorted. We are open 8am to 9pm on the weekdays.
When you call you can select Option 1 to receive a link via text to setup a call back. On the link select Mobile> Tech support> Handset problems> Speak to a guide for a call back within 15 mins.
The reason the bot will refer you to call in this scenario is our chat team are able to assist with billing and general account queries not technical queries. But if you do need help with any billing or account queries in the future our chat team should be able to help.
26-03-2025 07:42 AM
All sorted. Leaving a voicemail and deleting it seems to have cleared it. However, it took a few voicemails before it finally seems to have done the trick. Weirdly the notification seemed to always kick in when changing network/WiFi (so arriving or leaving home/work would reliably trigger it)
26-03-2025 08:50 AM
Morning @ryanofford
Thanks for coming back and letting us know this has worked for you.
If you need any help in the future, please pop back any time 🙂