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Unable to hear people on calls


For the last two weeks I have not been able to hear anyone on my mobile. Incoming call rings but then I can't hear the caller but the caller can hear me. Similar with outgoing calls, it rings my end I don't know when they have answered it, but they can hear me I can't hear them. There are at least four other people I know who have had the same issue. I have been into local EE shop and they have reset my phone(whatever that involved) it then worked once on an outgoing call but not since for either outgoing or incoming. Is anyone else having these issues?  

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

Is this a permanent loss of audio on calls, or does it come and go in a transitory fashion?

Are you able to use mobile data whilst on calls?

Do you have any issues using your phone's speaker for any other functions?

Apart of when I was in the EE shop and he reset the settings? I was able to make a call as usual, but since then I'm not able to hear the other person on a call, whether I'm phoning out or receiving a call. As I said previously other people in my area are having the same problem. I can receive and send texts.

EE Community Support Team

Hi @Ranger03 

Thanks for coming to the community. 

Does this happen in more than one area? 

Do we have any known problems showing for your area on the EE Coverage & Network Status Checker if you enter your postcode and select 'check status'? 


@Ranger03 wrote:

other people in my area are having the same problem. I can receive and send texts

All affected users should use the "report a problem" link on the status web-check tool - 

There is an option on the resulting web-form for in-call audio issues


Hi Bob,

I had the same problem and I am in Somerset. After a lot of investigation by myself, I managed to prove that the problem was to do with the 2G signal in our area. As when I went out of my area, my phoned worked perfectly. EE did send me a new 4G Sim card but as my phone was only 2G it still wouldn't work. This problem has been under investigation by EE(with my findings helping them) since the beginning of April. They ring me once a week to give me an update, which is basically they still can't find out what the problem is. My personal view is that when they took 3G down this year in the South West they have somehow managed to interfere with 2G. I know of four other people locally that had the same issue, they though it was because they had old phones and just updated their phones rather that report the problem to EE. If you could report the problem to EE that would be great, as the more that report the issue the more likely they are to do something about it. I don't believe they are making this problem a priority!!

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

The 3G switch-off would only affect 2G insofar as a 3G phone now uses 2G permanently.

Changing to a 4G-capable device is the recommended course of action for a 3G phone post-sunset, it will give a much improved experience.

2G provides basic voice & text service, but 4G is now the base layer.

I have proved already that EE have done something to our 2G in our area, as the phone works outside of the area. Why should I have to change my phone to 4G when it is EE that has caused the problem. I am not a heavy user of a mobile and therefore don't want the expense of buying another phone. They should not have touched 2G at all, they have actually admitted that 2G is well used in my area for texts and calls.

I just wanted to know how many other people around Martock had the same problem, but because of the strange symptons they just upgraded their phones and didn't report the issue to EE.

I have a weekly update from EE but it always says the same, they are working on it, Two months and counting!!! 

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

The 4G network has greater coverage than that of 2G, and has done for many years. Also VoLTE supports wideband voice codecs for greater call clarity.

2G is sufficient for voice & texts, but is fundamentally a less capable technology.