17-03-2023 03:57 PM
I've also noticed the same thing over the last few days/week.
I'm being passed around 3 different masts.
Signal bounces from -10~dBm to -120dBM, then back to -10~dBm.
Had a text yesterday to say I'd missed a call. First time I've ever had this issue! Enabling WIFI calling and leaving that enabled shouldn't be the answer.
17-03-2023 05:06 PM
What are the service issues you're actually having? Are you experiencing dropped calls, or is it just the varying signal indicators you're concerned about?
Phones being passed between multiple serving cells is nothing odd, and if you're in fringe coverage as it sounds you are - then this is normal behaviour.
There's also nothing wrong with using WiFi-calling - it's intended as an indoor coverage enhancement and meant to be used that way - most phones will remain on the mobile network out of preference anyway.