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Re: Is it just me or is ee phone signal poor


It’s not just you, I have this issue with 1 bar signal at home, calls dropping out- and slow  internet but yet the with is with sky (piggy backing of 02) and yet has 4 bars , 

I’ve spoke to EE and it’s not like they care, they just blame it on the house- I really do think EE service  dropped .

how can it be the houses fault went tested used the same phone but 2 different SIM card carriers?

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

A few bits in here. There's nothing inherently wrong with "only 1 bar", it's still a bar and every phone measures the on-screen bars differently.

Data speeds are more dictated by the spectrum & carriers available rather than the perceived signal strength, but if you're getting dropped calls with VoLTE displayed, something else is the reason. WiFi-calling is designed for indoor coverage issues.

O2's sites are often in different locations and have different frequency use, so your illustration is a perfect example of networks all being different. There will be other indoor locations where only EE works or O2 is the only one not to.