28-09-2022 01:12 PM
I have just moved home, and the signal available is absolutely awful. i have tried raising an issue on the network checker several times and have also checked for service faults to no appropriate avail. the coverage checker suggests full coverage on all connections indoors and out bar 5g which is supposedly patchy indoors. we get 1 bar 4g at the best of times and even then, its rare that calls go through or web pages load.
what can be done about this? i understand people will suggest using wifi calling, but to be honest, we are paying near to 200 a month for contract phones with data we cant use half of the time! our wifi coverage has its limitations so wifi calling insnt always practical.
this isnt a device issue, we have 3 flagship phones in the house and none of them can get any reliable signal.
im utterly dissapointed in the service, i understand the coverage checker has limitations but to get it the polar opposite to the service quotation is laughable. and then the imaginary fixes just top it off.
anyone have any suggestions?
28-09-2022 03:13 PM
@R66BCH The signal checker is just a guide and not a guarantee of service. (it does state that) It’s a computer simulation and doesn’t take into account the topography of the landscape. No network will guarantee a signal indoors and that’s where Wi-Fi calling kicks in. The amount you pay doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed a perfect signal in all locations it’s totally irrelevant.
28-09-2022 03:36 PM
Understood Chris. As stated, i understand its limitations but its entirely false. not even similar to an accurate representation of the service available.
Of course there isn't correlation between cost vs signal strength, that wasn't my point. More to highlight the frustration around not being able to use my unlimited everything within a 200m radius of my home inside or out.
28-09-2022 03:42 PM
Hi @R66BCH
Thanks for coming here.
Have you reported this on the EE Network Status checker?
If you report this our network team can get the area looked into and update you via email or text.
28-09-2022 03:47 PM
Thanks for the suggestion @Leanne_T
I have reported this at least 3 times, i have had a range of responses about something being fixed etc. and to restart my device's, this has made no difference at all which is why i am here. i have had fault and fix notifications via text that bear no real time relevance to the quality of signal.
28-09-2022 03:51 PM
I see, thanks @R66BCH
In this case, I would suggest giving us a call on 150 and our tech gurus will get this looked into in more depth for you.
28-09-2022 05:25 PM
Was this coverage issue evident when you viewed your new home?
I'm trying to establish how recently this problem has occurred.
28-09-2022 06:54 PM
Hello Bristolian,
During the viewing the signal wasn't great, after checking the coverage map I assumed it was just an anomaly given the rough estimates. Since then, I have spoken with neighbours and they seem to think there has never been substantial connection available.
Location wise, its not extreme. we are in outer London local to the central line in a relatively flat area.
28-09-2022 07:45 PM
It sounds like this is a very-localised poor-coverage area then, which unfortunately can occur in both urban and rural areas.
I suspect the granularity on the online coverage prediction isn't quite precise enough to pick this up - again, unfortunately, it happens depending on local geography.
You're correct to assume that, in the absence of additional network rollout, WiFi-calling will be the recommended mitigation. If you have usable VoLTE service outdoors and VoWiFi-indoors, then continuity of calls should be achievable.
28-09-2022 07:53 PM
Thanks for the advise Bristolian,
In future, how likely is Network expansion? is there anything I can do to speed up this process? it can be incredibly frustrating at times.
We are coping with Wi-Fi currently but with such patchy coverage, sometimes even outside calls are unpredictable and for example in the garden, Wi-Fi doesn't cover so data is a miss.