13-07-2022 08:14 AM
At my location, Beachampton, Milton Keynes there is literally no mobile signal on any phone networks. The village lies in a slight low valley which obviously doesn’t get coverage. Even though the network status checkers indicate
‘You'll get good coverage outdoors, but weak or no coverage indoors’
At and around our property you can’t even get a signal at all. I’ve reported this via online chat but just go through the standard replies; reset your phone etc, but it’s not a phone issue it’s a network coverage issue. There has never been any signal so you are literally cut off - on all networks and all phones. How do I report this to the team that deals with mast installations so that it can be properly checked. I’d happily invite them to my property to see how bad the service is (non existent).
13-07-2022 08:23 AM
@nick_7366 The coverage map is just a guide and its not a guarantee of service. It does state this. Can you use Wi-Fi calling as at least this will give you a working signal when at home.
13-07-2022 10:52 AM
I do use WiFi calling but we are a business with regular guests (accomodation) and a lot struggle or their phones don’t support this function. Many can’t receive or make calls or texts when at the property which affects business. There is literally no service without walking down the road. The online chat said I needed to escalate this to reach the technical engineers who deal with mast installations so they can investigate whether there’s any method to improve signal or install a new mast to serve the black spot. Question is how to escalate this and who to contact (it applies to all phone networks)
13-07-2022 11:00 AM
@nick_7366 , if you click on check coverage and network status, you can report it there and even receive updates, or ring customer service and see what they suggest, to help you.. I would suggest speaking to the technical team if you ring customer service.
13-07-2022 11:05 AM
This is what I have already done and was advised by customer service that I need to speak to the mast installation team. However they couldn’t give me any contact details so I didn’t get anywhere so that is what I need.
13-07-2022 11:08 AM
@nick_7366 , unfortunately, unless one of the community staff are able to give you details, which I am not sure they will know either, but good luck.
13-07-2022 06:01 PM
The network rollout teams are not customer-facing, but they often have a very good idea of poor coverage areas - and if all networks are affected, there's a good chance there's something preventing a quick solution.
You might be interested in the Shared Rural Network initiative, in which EE are playing a leading role.
13-07-2022 06:22 PM
@nick_7366 Forgive me for saying this but if EE does manage to give you a working signal in that black spot that not only effects EE but all networks what about your guests who don’t use EE. Because nothing is going to change for those customers. Sorry to say but your point of your customers not having a working signal is mute.
07-11-2023 10:03 AM
Mute and moot I think, but I am inclined to the latter