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EE network getting worse in Grater London


EE network getting worse Greater London. At least in GL, as I wasn't traveling recently, from last two months service become extremely unreliable, internet generally slow if any. I'm with EE and T-Mobile from nearby 17 years with short breaks with O2, Vodafone and There. EE was always the best from those 4, but not this summer. I reset my phone... nothing no improvement. I bough cheap Lebara SIM card to check in the same phone.... different is huge, I was able use internet in crowded spaces, I was able to call form places I wasn't able to do it with EE, also internet speed is much better. I don't really want to leave EE but is there any explanation? What happened recently. I'm driving all around London during working hours, and with EE there are places I can't use data at all....

EE Community Support Team

Hi @tr76

Welcome to the community.

It's hard to say without knowing precise locations where you have problems. Have you tried entering them into our network status checker? If we're not aware of a problem, you can report one there and our network team will investigate.


I'm driving around London, and is in many places in zone 1,2,3 from zone 4 it is better but far worse than Vodafone (Lebara). Network is highly unstable. Maybe is something specific for my account? Or SIM card?

EE Community Support Team

Could be worth speaking with our technical support team so that they can run some tests with you, @tr76.


EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@tr76 wrote:

I'm driving around London, and is in many places

That area can encompass dozens upon hundreds of network sites.

I would also be inclined towards a possible phone fault - if the network was having this extent of problems, then all EE customers would be equally affected and I would expect to see far more complaints.