17-10-2019 01:54 PM - last edited on 03-12-2020 02:11 PM by Sorcha
We've combined our network status tools to provide you with all the network information you need in one handy place.
You'll now be able to check the coverage in your area as well as getting up to date information about any maintenance we're carrying out to continue improving our network
You don’t need to register for updates if you’re just curious, just simply search a postcode for a quick status check on the area.
If you're experiencing issues but the EE Coverage and Network Status Checker isn't showing a problem in your area, you can report this using the ‘Report A Problem’ button.
Have a look at our My Places Help page for more information.
If you have any questions, let us know by tapping the ‘reply’ button.
15-03-2022 02:36 PM
Hi @James137
If you would like further details on the area, please give us a call on 150 and our Tech Gurus will be happy to help.
11-06-2022 09:52 PM
Hardly anything hardly anywhere.
Haha EE cant even speak to anyone or get direct coms To send a message. Absolutely automated rubbish i pay over 100 a month for access to something that says it works where I live and work inside or out 4/5 g excellent. And all that no reported issues etc got multiple **bleep** ship devices but nada. No one with EE has any signal in some areas your maps are wrong I'd settle for just having a decent 3g but something please. So so useless and gota be stuck with you for years seriously come on. I'm in london for pete sake 1st world not 3rd gen or 3rd world what's the problem. Take some of these top dogs pay and bonuses and make something work or at least do the job before you take the money.
11-06-2022 10:03 PM
@Souseless Perhaps you should read the legal bit at the bottom of that page.
”These results are only a guide and not a guarantee of service availability in a particular location. Coverage may be affected by a number of factors, such as building materials, tree cover and weather conditions and how many other people are using the network too. Results are based on computer prediction to a high confidence but are not error free.”
12-06-2022 08:11 AM
Hi @Souseless
Welcome to the community.
Did you report a problem yourself on the network status checker?
12-06-2022 11:05 AM
I did read that and have spoken to customer support several times it's not just me but I am the only one trapped still in the contract. Funny how everyone else changed to get signal from other providers. Perhaps they just dont care or overpower each others signal however those factors also affect other networks and equally if its reported and nothing changes then do I care. No others have signal so why don't they, pity and rubbish excuse that's a cop out.
12-06-2022 01:44 PM
Did the technical support team say why you're having problems with your service, @Souseless? Is it a maintenance problem or is it just that the signal doesn't cover your area?