Bad speeds during the day


Hi all

on my 5GEE router during the day time im getting really rubbish speeds like 10 down and 3 up. But in the evening it will jump you to 75 down and nearly 15 down. 

What am i missing here, the router dosnt move but i seam to lose band B7 darning the day. 

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

There's no logical basis for completely losing a particular carrier during the day on a regular basis - although this could likely explain reduced speeds.

Do you have an EE mobile, and is this similarly affected?

Thats what i thought but yet here we are. so far its dropped off every day. now i can understand a speed drop during rush hour (i live near a trunk road) so that i could understand. but not losing a hole band.

No i dont have EE mobile (yet). 

Ace Contributor
Ace Contributor

When you say your losing B7, was B7 your Band the Router was registered to or showing B7 as a CA Band.

If the Former what Band is B7 being replaced with.?

I assume your not picking up a 5G Signal Layer at all?

Im not sure all i can tell you is when i first had the router i would see B3+B3 B7+B7 in the band and could get the higher speeds. now its only showing B3+B3.

Im not picking up 5G even though im on the edge of a 5G area. 

The B+B is your CA (Carrier Aggregation) or 4G+ (LTE A) the more the better (Bigger overall Bandwidth)

Have you tried moving the Router around a bit, do a Reboot after each move then wait a few mins.

Ok think i understand. 

I have now moved it (sticking out the window right now) and the speeds have come back and so has B7+B7 so that's fine while im streaming and not raining. but soon as i pull it back in its gone again. 

what should the dBm's be is lower better as right now i have -96 and -82

Depends what info your looking out and what the Router gives you for Signal info. Normally there are 4 measurements -


The inportant ones are RSRP and SNIR.

As a vert rough guide, If it's RSRP anything better than - 99dbm is good, the lower the number the better. For SNIR anything better than 9 is good the higher the better.

Some 4/5G Routers only report RSSI, this info is purely Signal Strength and has no relevance to the Signal Quality which is ideally what your looking for, but as a very (and a very) rough quide the RSSI normally hovers around -22 to - 28dbm below RSRP, again the lower the number the better as its a negative value.

4G CA Download does rely on a reasonable Signal Strength before it can drop out, same goes for the 5G Signal Layer relies on a more strengent 4G Signal, so next question is what make (and model number) of 5G Router do you have and does it have External Antenna Sockets? 

Ok go it. so mine are RSRP -108 and RSSI -97 right now with the router 

I have the 2021 5GEE router. It has the x4 External antenna sockets. 

So its looking like i need to get an External antenna to get the most out of my internet then. Do EE provide one thats any good or do i need to get my own. 


Are either of these any good. Im not sure where my nearest mast is so i thought if i go for a onmi one i should get the best of both worlds. Also see as i rent this place can i mount them inside the loft, would save me from having to ask about putting a pole up.