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Are EE changing masts in Edinburgh?


I live in Edinburgh city centre eh13at and when I purchased my 5g router the coverage map showed 5g outdoor and indoor coverage.


Within the last couple of weeks my in game latency has shot up and now the coverage map shows no 5g coverage in my area. 

I was even told there by someone over the phone on customer care the exact street the closest mast was on to provide 5g which according to the coverage map now no longer exists. 

Who do I contact about this?

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@paulthomp3  Just using your postcode on THIS and no knowing your actual location on that road you can see that there is some 5G coverage but it’s at present outdoor usage only. 



while you might of had 5G coverage once EE will be making change’s to cover more areas with 5G this might mean 5G is lost in some areas.    5G is still being rolled out and the 5G coverage will fluctuate at present. 

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.

I understand 5g is being rolled out but I was never told that 5g coverage might fluctuate and could be removed from my area.


I now get the same speeds and latency using my 4g iPhone so I guess I’m best just cancelling the contract as it could be weeks or even months before I see 5g again.

@paulthomp3  if EE are trying to push 5G to more areas you’ll probably see it return soon.   If you do decide to try and cancel you need to inform them that you only took this out because 5G was in your area and it is no longer in your area your contract cancellation could mean that you might need to pay off that contract to the minimum term date.  You’ll need to argue the fact that 5G has been removed from your area and that’s why you originally went for that contract. 

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.
EE Community Star
EE Community Star

Network rollout is a continual process, it's unlikely that a particular technology (in this case 5G) would be disabled unless there was an issue with it.


Optimisation and/or a vendor swapout on either your serving site or a close neighbour, is a possibility here - and could cause these symptoms.


In any case, no-one pays specifically for 5G - particular plans are 5G-enabled, but all EE 5G devices will fallback to 4G anytime that it's the best available tech.

Thank you for your replies, however I did specifically go for the 5g router for reasons I was given by the salesperson and customer care.


The first being that my latency would improve on 5g over 4g, and that the service would improve over time.


It would have been great if the fact that 5g services would fluctuate and/or be removed from certain areas wasn’t omitted so I could have made an informed decision.


Regardless, even my 4g latency in games is over double what it was a few months ago. London servers give 90-100 ms but 60 in Frankfurt and 70 in Stockholm. 


EE Community Support Team

Hi @paulthomp3


It may be worth speaking to our technical support team so they can look into this for you.

