Android Headunit no 4g



recently added a second line for my Android car headunit. 

Tested previously with a lebera SIM card which connected nonissue on 4g

Once the new ee sim was activated and installed. It failed to connect. After some playing about I have managed to get it to connect on GSM with 3G but can’t get LTE to work. 

no matter what I set it to (automatic or fixed to a setting) I can’t get a 4G connection. I do get a 4G connection on my iPhone 14 pro (sitting about 30cm away) 

I remember I had a GPS tracker a while ago that needed a 3G only sim. But as the lebera card worked I know the unit supports 4G

any ideas would be appreciated 





EE Community Star
EE Community Star

If you put your phone SIM into your car unit, does it get a 4G connection?

Same question for the car SIM into your phone?

What's the make & model of your car unit?

No my iPhone has an esim. 

using the new sim in my iPhone gives me 4G

the unit is a road top 10.2 running Android 11. It’s a replacement screen for the Mercedes. 

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@Mike_G   If the sim gives you 4G on your phone then the issue lies with the unit itself.    Have you put EEs APN setting in to the unit ?  

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.

Well low and behold. Came out this morning to scrape the car. Fired up the headunit and boom. Got a 4g connection. 

I moved it from the gsm o my setting to gsm/lte. And it’s stuck at 4g. 

not sure what it was up I last night. Maybe the snow starting was affecting the communications 😂

EE Community Manager
EE Community Manager

I'm happy to hear it's now working @Mike_G 

Thanks for letting us know. 🙂
