Phantom data usage


I'm on holiday with no WiFi so I've been very careful with my data usage as last time I was in this situation I ran out of data. Yesterday I had used about 2G of my 10G allowance. However last night around 4am I had a text informing me I'd used 80% and a couple of hours later (phone not being used) I get another saying 100% used. The phone is running Android 12 so I've looked at data usage by app which says 10G used but looking at the breakdown it doesn't add up to more than about 3G, biggest being 400MB.  There have been no updates I can see and even if there had I can't see it being that big! Any ideas what's happening or how to investigate further. I notice other similar posts with no resolutions. Thanks


Yeah definitely no WiFi drop outs.  I've installed GlassWire and a couple of other data usage apps to keep a close eye on it.  I've also turned off Background Data for YouTube and turned off AutoPlay just in case that was doing something.

EE Community Support Team

Hi @PaulRo 

Thanks for coming here. 

Please call us on 150 and our tech gurus can get this looked into in more detail for you. 

If you are connected to WiFi at home and using an iPhone, please check WiFi assist is turned off in your Mobile Data settings as this will use data if the WiFi connection drops. 


Yeah we turned off background data and also set data quality to the lowest rather than auto as it may have been choosing 4k or something daft. If you get anywhere with GlassWire let me know as I'd like a solution before we go away again. One thing I'd say for EE is that they didn't cut us off or charge us, just reduced the data rate. 



Be interested to know if you have the same experience as me when downloading a 512MB file from this trusted test page

It cost me 1.7GB of data when my phones data usage monitor showed I had only used 560MB

It's a simple test 

Appreciate your feedback

Established Contributor
Established Contributor

I have exactly the same thing. My data usage going up constantly when I'm not using the phone. Have spoken to EE twice now and now they said I am using Youtube, don't even use it on my phone! I've now disabled it but it's still going up - I had even reset my phone to factory settings to try to stop it. Ay my wits end with this. Only thing I can think of now is to get a PAC code and go elsewhere.

EE Community Support Team

Hi @dickytwo 

Welcome to the community.

Have you noticed a difference since factory resetting your device? What do the data counters in your phone settings say? It should give you a breakdown of your usage?


Established Contributor
Established Contributor

App usage is in the MB, no change at all since the factory reset. It's definitely an EE issue but they have given me no time frame that it will be sorted so I have had to go the PAC route. Currently averaging about 2 GB per day which I am not using.

EE Community Support Team

I'm sorry to hear that, @dickytwo 

You mentioned you disabled something. What was it that you disabled?


Established Contributor
Established Contributor

I disabled Youtube in the app settings as EE support said that as what was using the data (even though I never use it). Didn't have any effect and data usage still going up and up and up.

EE Community Support Team

I see, thanks @dickytwo. It may be worth speaking to the technical support team to let them know you've done that and don't see an improvement.
