10-04-2023 03:33 PM
Anyone used over the 600GB FUP on EE Unlimited plans, if so what happened to your data speeds was it slowed down a lot, not at all or what was the situation?
Been using Three for a while with unlimited data so never needed to consider usage, I know 600GB is a lot but if I ever went over didnt want it to be slowed to about 1Mbps or anything
10-04-2023 04:01 PM
Unlimited Plans: Uncapped and Unlimited data - If you're outside the UK you'll be subject to the data fair use policy cap (given in your roaming plan). Personal, non-commercial use only. If you regularly tether 12 or more devices, we will consider this non-personal use and have the right to move you to a more suitable plan. We will consider usage above 600GB/month to be non-personal use and have the right to apply traffic management controls to deprioritise your mobile traffic during busy periods or to move you to a business plan.
While is doesn’t say what speed that management is reduced too at a guess it might be probably around the lower speed tariff that EE offer and that’s 25Meg. But if you regularly go over 600Gb EE could move you to a business tariff. You’ll be notified if this is going to happen though.
05-05-2023 08:38 PM - edited 05-05-2023 08:57 PM
So far this month I’ve used 5TB by downloading my whole Xbox digital library 123 games=5TB it’s all personal use . Sooner of com clamps down on this BS fair usage policy of 600GB a month then if you go over that EE will throttle your download speeds to dial up speeds totally misleading and miss selling customers the sooner EE will follow three Uk footsteps and removes there fair usage policy . Three only got rid there 1TB fup on there unlimited plans because ofcom got involved as of September 2021 three uk is truly unlimited but there 4G service across is rubbish compared to EE.
I took out the 2 lines last April and may last year as my data only sim was in may and my normal phone sim both unlimited
Yes Chris B before you say It’s in the contract BS I read them and signed the contract but still I “shrug” my shoulders I just say oh well carry on downloading my whole Xbox digital library on my Xbox series X I paid for unlimited data on the data only sim in my 5G router then I might as well get my moneys worth not this rubbish 600GB a month FUP go over that EE will throttle my downloads if I download and go over 600GB .
Fair usage policy in 2023 especially on a unlimited plan is unnecessary not needed. As it’s not 2012 anymore technology has improved since then. And EE has got enough 4G bandwidth to give every single Customer a truly unlimited data plan with a 600GB Fup in place
I already complained to EE about this unfair fup in place 600GB then if I exceed that you will either move me on a business plan which is 1TB which is still to low for my usage a month and I complained and EE sent me a deadlock letter and now the case is gone to Ombudsman communications department now by EE misleading and mis selling customers like myself unlimited data when it’s not really if you got a Measly 600GB Fup in place a month once you go over that EE will either move you on to a business plan or throttle your download speed what a load of bS.
blah blah blah EE says we have to put prices up due to rise of inflation Bs ect excuses. like I said I Ofcom bans This greed mid term price hikes the better.
I bought the SIM as if they were selling a "600GB plan", not an "unlimited plan". Someone should go after EE yes ofcom for selling "unlimited" with low limits...
it’s not really unlimited if you throttle everyone’s download speed if you go over 600GB . I hope ofcom bans all mid term price hikes as well just greed as well I'm paying for 2 sims 1 normal phone sim and 1 data only sim which I put that in my Huawei 5G Cpe pro 2 I brought out from Amazon and put my data only sim unlimited and total cost of 2sims £59.20 now it’s £67.77
what a rip off sooner ofcom bans this unnecessary greed the better.
05-05-2023 08:47 PM
@Doubleagent2022 How is it miss selling when you know what can happen. That’s why you read the contract T&Cs before you agree to any contract. It’s not breaking any rule as it’s in the contract that you agree too. Ofcom are not going to do anything about this as it’s in the contract that you agreed too. perhaps reading contracts before you sign them should be the first priority.
It also says EE reserves the right to move you to a business tariff that’s not to say it will happen and a business tariff doesn’t mean more per month. You don’t seem to now that.
09:10 PM
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09:19 PM
I have read the terms and conditions on contracts Chris but I’m deliberately abusing this 600GB and downloading my whole digital library on my XBox as three uk didn’t care nor virgin media .
as I’m a very heavy data user 600GB a month ha I use that in a day especially Xbox series X optimised games over 100GB each sometimes.
sooner a new government body can ban fair usage policy’s the better.
5TB is nothing compared to some virgin media users .
no I will not go back to three uk or virgin media as three uk are crap 4G is not as 4G is slow and virgin media is a rip off merchants.
Why do you think three got rid of there fup of 1TB fup September 2021 because of ofcom
05-05-2023 09:18 PM
In reality, however, it is very unlikely that they would ever enforce the limit because they know that it would be in breach of a number of earlier rulings by both Ofcom and the ASA.
The FUP seems to have been included in the terms mostly to discourage people from using too much data on unlimited plans but if push comes to shove, it will not fly with the regulators. EE would also probably not want to risk the kind of publicity that comes with a slap on the wrist from Ofcom or the ASA for misleading customers.
I think it’s misleading which the regulator needs to look at EE doing this rubbish.it’s 2023 not 2012
05-05-2023 10:06 PM - edited 05-05-2023 10:07 PM
@Doubleagent2022 Perhaps you should actually understand what you talking about and why a FUP actually exists
THIS might help you. So why you think your ok EE can actually do something about this and it’s not hidden from you.
05-05-2023 10:14 PM
No I don’t understand why a fup exists in 2023 are you sure your not a EE employee ? As you comes across as well one defending there immoral business practices like a fup 600 GB way to low for me . As a Xbox series x gamer download games digital only .
05-05-2023 10:16 PM
I will continue call out EE on there immoral business practices like a measly 600GB fup in place as of 2023 it used to be 1TB fup on EE in 2020 now in 2023 not needed that’s why’s it’s gone to ombudsman as I consider this as misleading Chris B so I take it further let ombudsman take my complaint.
26-04-2024 11:24 AM
I agree with you! I think EE is out of touch with how our IT is developing in our domestic homes. We are in the 21st century and businesses like EE need to adapt, not just provide 5G but understand how all of these IT developments impact each home in the UK. Many products we buy and use are linked to the internet and we end up with a lot more devices that link to our phones and the internet from Alexas in each room, modern fridge freezers, doorbells, laptops, desktops, Playstations, Xboxes, Nintendos, TVs, speakers, heating, lights, security, garden equipment, routers, toys, IT gadgets, cameras, plugs etc. etc. The list is continuously growing. The tendency for having more devices connected to the internet are not getting less they are increasing. This is a fact without emotion, it simply is fact which needs to be understood and you cannot work backwards like EE and simply offer a capped minimum of 12 devices to be linked to the internet and offer "Unlimited" when reading the small print it is capped. I find it very misleading. We need to look ahead and EE needs to catch up as time will not stop.