Mobile Data not working


I noticed for a few months that my data was getting worse and sometimes it does not work at all. I study abroad and when I’m away it works fine but whenever I’m back in the UK, it either barely works or doesn’t work at all. I’ve already contacted EE about this and I was told that there were works in the area, but this problem has still continued and it doesn’t matter where in the UK i am

EE Community Support Team

Hi @Amymead

Thanks for coming here 🙂

Which device are you using? 

What happens when you try and use data on the device? 


I have an iPhone 12 and I’m not quite sure what you mean. If I try and send something on Snapchat, Instagram etc it does not work & I cannot receive anything either. My Spotify does not load and my maps & google maps will not load. My safari won’t load either and tells me there’s no connection. I’ve had my phone for over a year and this only started happening about four months ago

EE Community Support Team

Thanks for the extra details @Amymead

Do you have data turned on for the apps in your settings? 

Are you able to try the SIM in another phone, to see if the same happens? 

Leanne 🙂