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Data Allowance


My data allowance renews on the 26th of every month, meaning it renewed on the 26th of this month, 3 days ago. However to my surprise I have received a text reporting that 80% of my data has been used which is odd as I use Wi-Fi at work and sometimes when I get home I'm also on Wi-Fi. The EE mobile app doesn't show the usage to ascertain where this 80% was spent on. Please if you can assist as I can't understand how 80gb can just be used in 3 days without being accounted for. 

EE Community Support Team

Morning @simzchaps 

Thanks for coming here. 

Which device are you using? 

Could you text BALANCE to 150 and let me know the full reply? 

Leanne 🙂

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

Apple & Android phones have a data counter which breaks usage down into individual apps.

The answer to many "how have I used my data" lies in this facility.

I am using iphone 14 pro

So i texted BALANCE to 150 and this is the response:

Your current charges to go onto your next bill are £0.00 (this excludes
line rental, VAT & any unprocessed charges). Your current allowance is:
Unlimited UK minutes and Unlimited UK texts. You have 14.0GB remaining of
your 100.0GB data allowance. This will reset 26 Mar 2024.

Many thanks

If you're referring to the data counter in settings, it shows the accumulated data usage over the months which doesn't answer my inquiry as to how 80gb got depleted in a space of 3 days to which I was connected on Wi-Fi  most of that time. I have texted BALANCE and it indicates 14gb left, and it's really shocking. I have been having this contract for almost a year and my data usually last long enough until renewal date, so you can understand my frustration as to how over 80% of the data has just gone in 3 days.

EE Community Support Team

Hi @simzchaps 

Thanks for coming back to me. 

To get your data allowance and usage looked into, please call us on 150 and our tech guides will be happy to help. 


EE Community Star
EE Community Star

You should be able to alter the counting period on the menu option, to match your billing cycle and thus aid investigations.

Hi @Leanne_T 

Spoke to one of the tech guides and they were very helpful.

Many thanks.

EE Community Support Team

Great news @simzchaps 

Thanks for letting me know 🙂
