Can you track a phone so you can find someone

EE Community Manager
EE Community Manager

Hi @TY37,


Welcome to the EE Community. 🙂


There are some services available that allow you to track your friends and families whereabouts, such as Apple's Find my friends.


Hope this helps.



Similar functions such as Samsung "find my mobile" & Android "find my device" do this, but they both have 2 pre-requisites:


1: The facility is enabled on the device in question - thus user consent is achieved.


2: The website on which the tracing is done, is password-protected, hence further user-consent is confirmed.


This process cannot be achieved without that user consent being inplace.


Tracking a phone to find someone can be done through various methods, including using built-in tracking features like "Find My iPhone" or "Find My Device." For enhanced privacy and safety, consider using reliable services like MSafely at They offer tools to help locate and protect your phone discreetly.

@katesheldon  That’s find your own product not a friend who has to also accept your request to find them via the service.  You can not just find someone via these means with authorisation from that person.  It’s called privacy and there are laws about tracking someone without consent. 

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