3 sims cards on my account


I have 3 sims all with different data allowances in my account

The incorrect data allowance has been assigned to the wrong numbers ie the one requiring the highest allowance has the lowest and vide versa

iam just 4 months into my 24 month contract 

How can I rectify this please ?

many thanks 

Ace Contributor
Ace Contributor

I think you may have left the issue too long now to be rectified (4 Months later) how did originally set up the Plans and Numbers, Online, EE Store, by Phone etc, the only recourse you may have is if you did this by Phone to EE Customer Services and are confident that EE somehow got it wrong, as the Call would have been Recorded and can the conversation can be checked by EE.

However, all is not lost, if the 3 Numbers are all on the same Account, you can simply transfer the Monthly Data Usage between the Numbers by Data Gifting, you would need to do this every Month but its a very easy process and will take less than a minute to sort out.