19-09-2024 05:03 PM
Just thought I would throw together a little bit of a post in regards to some of the issues people have been having with using 4G routers alongside Gaming Consoles and also some other IP Address sensitive use cases.
With the EE 4G WIFI or the 4G Smart Routers (may work with other models but YMMV), located within the admin settings is a Profile Management tab within which a Profile can be set which dictates how the Router accesses the EE network and provides the network for local devices. Within this default configuration an IPV4V6 address is assigned by default but this often causes issues with the above services and some firesticks and chromecasts.
The solution to this, at least for the moment, seems to be to take a note of the values used in the Default profile and then create a new one with the only thing different being the IP Type used. This needs to be set to IPV4 and then Set as Default. This means the settings should persist and allow connectivity once again.
As for the technical reasons as to why, I don't fully understand enough to try explain on here, but it seems to fix the issue in the majority of cases.