02-10-2024 09:22 AM
I've been using my pay as you go pack for years at this point and collecting free boosts for data, but it's no longer allowing me to select the data boost. On the text service it just says "Sorry we could not process your request, please try again a little later" and on the website the option seems to have disappeared entirely. Have I reached some sort of limit? I would call but I am and will be uneable to for a while so is there any way to solve this without calling?
02-10-2024 09:29 AM
In case it helps, here is a screenshot of the website on my phone.
I have so far gained 2,465mb of data through free boosts.
02-10-2024 01:47 PM
Hey @Turtle.
Welcome to the community.
On our current pack, you're able to add 6 free data boosts. Based on having 2,465MB of data through boosts, this would be 5 boosts so you would be able to add one more before the limit. There is no limit to legacy and 2020 packs.
Have you tried to text BOOST DATA to 150, at all?
You can find more information about pay as you go Boosts on our What are EE Free Boosts? Help page.
Debbie 🙂
03-10-2024 01:17 PM
I am on a legacy pack as I've had a lot more free boosts than 5, so there shouldn't be a limit at all but it isn't allowing me to select the data boost online. I have tried texting BOOST DATA to 150 a few times however the response is always the same.
03-10-2024 01:52 PM
Thanks for getting back in touch @Turtle.
I'm sorry to hear you've been unable to add a free data boost. I recommend getting in touch to speak with a guide. They will be able to access your account to check this further for you.
Debbie 🙂
03-10-2024 02:41 PM
What do you get if you text just BOOST to 150?