20-06-2024 09:02 AM
Firstly I login. Then everytime I click an upgrade button on various pages on the app or website with different browsers, it takes me from that page such as ee.co.uk/shop/mobile/upgrade to ee.co.uk/what-do-you-want-to-do-today which is just a blank page.
I just want to see my options and I don't want to call 150.
01-12-2024 09:25 PM
I am not even sure they accept there is an issue let alone a workaround for that issue.
All I know is, that is what I did, and it worked for me.
01-12-2024 10:54 PM
Mines been doing exactly the same for months call got told nothings wrong with my account and someone would call me to upgrade missed the call as I was at work and now I don't fancy waiting for ages calling ee would rather they just fixed the obvious fault on there website
01-12-2024 11:00 PM
You posted this is August it's now December and it's still not been fixed
19-12-2024 09:04 AM
Just an update in December for anyone still waiting like myself for a fix: I have had EE technical support call me at least 4 times since JUNE, I know June is when this started. Everytime they go through troubleshooting, they say they thought it was fixed, blah blah blah, yet still nothing has changed. I haven't had a call for a while now, so I am guessing they have given up... For anyone looking for a fix themselves, this is an EE account issue, one they have not been able to fix, so you have 2 options: Call them to upgrade, or leave EE. At this point I am leaning towards the latter with their customer service.
19-12-2024 10:05 AM
You could always try my previously posted workaround 'fix' which is exactly what I used and now my account works as it should.
Put simply it was to create a new online account with a new email address, then call tech support and ask them to merge the two accounts. The resulting new account then works as it should, but with all the previous details from the one which was not working.
19-12-2024 01:59 PM
19-12-2024 02:33 PM
On the new account yeah? not the old one.