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Unfortunately, we couldn't log you in, but you can still buy or upgrade


"yugyuguy.JPGUnfortunately, we couldn't log you in, but you can still buy or upgrade - just choose what you want to do"


Seems like this error message has been posted a number of times but it's still not resolved. Despite showing I'm logged in in the top part the error messaged stating I'm not logged in is still being shown. I can't buy a new phone and plan. I've tried on different web browsers and the app but the result is the same.


Any ETA on when EE plans to fix their site?

112 REPLIES 112
EE Community Support Team

Hi @JaydeEck

Thanks for coming here. 

Are you currently a pay monthly customer with us? 

Leanne 🙂

Yes I pay £183 a month currently and wanted to add an Xbox series X onto my account but all the messing around and bad communication with the customer service advisor over the phone has meant I’m now going else where

EE Community Support Team

I'm sorry to hear this @JaydeEck

You can find details on adding accessories in our What is Add To Plan and how does it work? Help page. 


Bunch of androids here, poor service and site, ill find another provider



I'm due an upgrade but I'm getting the same message. Tried on numerous devices and browsers. Phoned up the helpline and was just told to try again tomorrow. Hard to think of a more dependably awful website. 

EE Community Manager
EE Community Manager

Hi @homehaircut,

Welcome to the EE Community. 🙂

Were our Customer Care Team not able to complete your order when you called?


Hi James,

The reason I phoned was to remedy the issue I had with the website not working, not to place an order. Perhaps I would have placed an order if the website let me view the deals available to me but it doesn't. 

I will give it another shot tomorrow as instructed but I don't have much hope given others have said this has been an issue for years.

EE Community Support Team

Thanks for coming back to us @homehaircut 

Please try calling us again on 150 if this is still the same for you, the team will be able to raise a support ticket for your My EE account if needed to get the issue resolved. 

Leanne 🙂

I went into a store instead and it was an unhelpful experience hence why I'd rather do this online but I can't. I don't want to call again and wait on hold for ages and I'll likely just be fobbed off again anyway. I will look into switching to another provider because EE offers no benefit to me.

EE Community Manager
EE Community Manager

Hi @homehaircut,

Sorry, our stores are unable to raise support tickets. This can only be actioned by our Technical Support Team.

They'll be happy to help if you get in touch.
