Re: Online / EE App Upgrade button does not work

Established Contributor
Established Contributor

I'm getting the same issue. I have been with EE since 2010. I'd like to upgrade but I'm just getting the dead button. Could you please fix. It seems to have been going on for years.

Established Contributor
Established Contributor
Thanks. I think that’s what I’m going to have to do. I’d just like to peruse all the options available though.

@DrStrut wrote:

I just want to keep the features of my sim only plan but with a new handset as the current one that I’ve had for about 5 years has started to get glitchy.

A SIM-only plan, by definition, doesn't come with a phone.

Device-based plans & SIM-only plans are both a pay-monthly basis. If you want to retain your specific SIM-only plan, you should be researching SIM-free phones to purchase outright.


This is still a major problem for a lot of people with the dead upgrade button... Been happening for years. I have raised a case with the technical support team for it to get looked into. In the meantime time I am just commenting on all these threads to raise awareness to EE...

EE Community Support Team

Thanks for letting us know that you've managed to get in touch with our team about this @Jackellingham.

Please keep us posted on how you get on.



This is clearly a known issue that EE are ignoring. I have been trying to upgrade for 2 months now and the button just doesn't work after numerous complaints about this from many different people nothing is being done.

People.dont want to call or drive 25 miles like I have to,to go to your shop,they want to see what deals are on offer and choose a phone and plan they want. After 12 years with EE I will leave and go with someone else that provides the service they advertise I have 3 phones with EE two of which are eligible for an upgrade but your site is broke both on the Internet and app. Really poor service. 

EE Community Support Team

Hi @MsDebs_uk 

Welcome to the Community!

We want to make it as simple as possible for you to complete your upgrade, so I am sorry you've been having this trouble. You are able to browse the phones online, so you can choose the one which suits you best, and you can have the offers sent to you so you can mull these over. 

The team will also be doing all they can to remedy the issue you're having as swiftly as possible.
