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A new document for your (Insert name of Phone) device agreement is available


I have ordered a new phone and received a text message teeling me to check a document I have been sent.

I log in - using chrome on a home Computer, NOT the app - and cannot see any documents att all, anywhere.

I checked the forums and a previous solution is to "view full usage" under the "Manage" menu. There is no such title under any of the menus in the Manage section that I can find.

How do I view this elusive document please?

EE Community Support Team

Hi @EatTheRich 

Welcome to the Community. 

When you log into the EE app, you should have View Full Usage on the Home tab without having to go into the Manage tab. 

Here is an example- 



If you had read my question you would see that I stated - "I log in - using chrome on a home Computer, NOT the app" so your response in no way answers my question.

I repeat:

I log in - using chrome on a home Computer, NOT the app - and cannot see any documents att all, anywhere.

I checked the forums and a previous solution is to "view full usage" under the "Manage" menu. There is no such title under any of the menus in the Manage section that I can find.

How do I view this elusive document please?