03-02-2025 12:53 PM
I have just switched TV provider from Virgin to EE TV and am unclear what is supposed to happen next about my NOW TV billing. Previously I have had a separate contract for both Netflix and NOW to complement my Virgin service but Netflix and NOW are part of my overall EE TV package. My understanding was that EE would notify both providers that I am now an EE customer and this process would happen seamlessly. for billing purposes so that my separate Netflix and NOW contracts would automatically be terminated. And this has duly happened very quickly with Netflix, who notified me directly about it. But with NOW TV there has been total silence. I would be most grateful for advice about next steps to sort this out.
03-02-2025 04:17 PM
Hi @johncellis,
Welcome to the EE Community
You are correct, when signing up for a Now TV package with us we will take an e-mail from you for your Now account and if there is an existing account we will take over the billing for you. If you login to your Now account and check the billing section, does your Now account show billed by EE or still your own payment details?
04-02-2025 01:10 PM
Thanks Alex. From talking to an EE TV team member this morning, there seems to have been a problem with the email address for my Now account. EE have it down as 'btinternet.com' (goodness knows how that happened, it did NOT come from me) whereas I have ALWAYS had it registered with Now as 'btopenworld.com'. The result is that the EE takeover of the billing has not happened. And I can see from my Now account online that Now intend to bill me for £9.99 tomorrow, Tues 5th Feb. Which is infuriating. And this morning it is proving impossible to get through to anyone at Now to try to stop the payment, though in fact it is almost certainly too late for that. Quite honestly, I regard it as EE's fault. So can I reclaim the £9.99 from you guys?
04-02-2025 03:36 PM
@johncellis That would explain the issue, thanks for coming back to the community to share. I am sorry there has been an issue with the wrong e-mail address, have they now updated your Now e-mail address to the correct one so that the billing is taken over?
If the account takeover has happened the charge may then be stopped or refunded automatically if it goes out, with the billing now going through EE. If not though you should be able to request a refund via Now on this page Request A Refund
If you do have any issues getting a refund from Now you can speak to our broadband and TV team and they will see what they can do to help.
05-02-2025 09:21 AM
Thanks again, Alex. My original thought - as directed by the EE TV team - was to contact NOW asap to cancel my existing contract and stop the 5th Feb payment soonest. But I find NOW are effectively uncontactable. (I could grow old and grey waiting for a response from their chat line.) That being so, I shall follow your above advice and get the EE TV team to change their record of my BT email address to the correct one, with a 'btopenworld' ending. That should enable EE to contact Now and actually implement the takeover of my account from Now. I trust that will also, at the same time, resolve a problem I have with my EE ID. Which is that I keep getting the message from EE - "Some of the details on your EE ID don't match those on the account you are trying to link". And that particular problem seems to be stopping me activating my Discovery + access, as well.
I would be most grateful for your comments on all of the above, please, Alex.
05-02-2025 10:25 AM
@johncellis Ah I see yeah if they have not already they should be able to initiate an e-mail change on your Now TV service from us which once done should take over the account and subscription automatically as originally planned.
With regards to your other issue, that message would suggest a mismatch in the details of your EEID (online account) and your actual billing account which is preventing them being linked.
If you login to your EEID and go to the profile section, double check your date of birth is correct and your name is correct and formatted the same as it would be on your account. If those details are correct, then it will need one of our guides to take a look on our system to see which details don't match between the two and help update them so they can be linked.
You are correct regarding Discovery+, if you have it as part of your TV package the TNT Sports channels should work via your EETV without needing activating, but your Discovery+ access will need activated and is done via your online account. Once the account is linked you login and go to Plans and Subscriptions> Manage TV and Sport and then Discovery+ should show there with an activate button.
Hopefully should be able to get both sorted once you call
05-02-2025 12:31 PM
I think I have made some progress this morning. EE were holding two BT email addresses for me so I have got your colleague to delete the wrong one on EE's system. But Now remain totally uncontactable so I am unable to find out what gives from their side. And I have created a new EE ID incorporating a BT username/address and uninstalled, then reinstalled, the EE app on my phone. Which has allowed me to gain access to my EE account both on the app and online. But that has revealed a bizarre new issue. For some unknown reason, I have two EE account numbers - namely, the one I was given when signing up and a different one that simply says "£0.00 Paid". And the one I really want to look at, to see Billing and Payments, is currently inaccessible - try again later. All rather frustrating.
05-02-2025 04:06 PM
@johncellis Glad to hear progress is being made, it can definitely be frustrating. If you mean they have now changed your Now TV e-mail, it should take between 4 and 24 hours for the change to take effect, keep an eye out on your Now account to see if it changes to billed by EE.
With the other issue it is hard to say without having access to your account through this forum, its possible an old account may be linked to the same e-mail if you had an old one. I am not sure when your broadband did go live with us, but the first bill should be produced within 4 days of it going live so if its before that it may not be available to view yet.
Is the rest of the online account available to view just not Bills and Payments? Did you manage to setup Discovery+ access?