16-01-2025 10:01 PM
If anyone has long going issues with EE and you can not get help . I am too. I spoke with ombudsman about my problem they could not help much , they suggest to go to court. I do not want pay full amount of court fees . So maybe somebody else have in them mind to sue this " company " . My story sort I have unlimited date with phone , I paying over £60 should be 100mbs speed, indoors max 20 mbs at night from 2 am, at day time barely over 1mbs till 5 max , jitter like today 70 , ping was over 110. Is a joke could not use even to check a messenger, at beginning of contract was okey ,not perfect but was good even to speak atleast by messenger. No is getting worse , ee not doing anything because they blame house constructions that It blocking signal , but is a lie at night time is works fine even getting 20 mbs in best days and ping 10 or 11 . They always finding excuses is a joke company . By the way some staff trying the best to help , but them hands is tight up , because owners , ceos, managers they do not care about complains , they care about profits. I hope so this company will get back karma like bankruptcy and never will part of UK network . I heard that peoples is sue them for bln ...
17-01-2025 08:13 AM
@Deividas91 what’s it like outside your home ? No network will guarantee a signal or signal strength within your home. You state that you were struggling to use Mesenger this is a data app so therefore can use Wi-Fi within your home.
17-01-2025 09:11 AM
Every one blame signal strenght because of house constructions for blocking signal, typically EE worker. Can you all read well? At earlier morning is works well is not house construction blocking something is a tower problem is to weak to support all customers at same time or EE support first new customers with better signal strength because they afraid to loose customer in cooling time . About wife I do not have broadband at home , that is why I have unlimited date at this scam company, than is why I have bought unlimited date nobody has mention that they not guarantee signal indoor at commercial is saying covering 95% of UK. Is a JOKE company...
17-01-2025 11:39 AM
Good morning @Deividas91.
Welcome to the EE Community.
Network issues aren't black and white and can often come down to a range of different factors; we aim to provide all customers with the best experience we can though.
Indoor signal will be weaker than outdoors in a majority of cases, but network performance can also vary depending on your orientation and distance from the masts, the amount of traffic connecting at a given time, and the possibility of network incidents in the area too.
For example if a nearby mast was out of service, the people that are usually served by that mast would then need to connect elsewhere.
There's absolutely no prioritisation given to new customers as you've speculated here.
For those locations we don't have covered at present, we aim to reduce the impact of this through services like WiFi calling, but I appreciate it's especially tough if this isn't an option for you at present.
You can check out the full details of our network terms right here:
Pay Monthly Network Terms and Conditions | Help | EE
17-01-2025 08:49 PM
I agree at more than half things that you said. I understand, but as mention at beginning it was data was okey even could play some games , but after first month it went down. In my opinion your company do exactly what I have saying , give to new customer proper speed after 14 days they drop down ,because customer could not cancel contract without fees. As I read your message I could say you smart lad and you could do better in life than work for this scam company.
As I mention before who want sue this company anyone? Guys wake up check trust pilot about EE 1.5 star is a joke company, one of the worse mobile network provider in uk