

Also having the same issue and no idea why. 

Applied online and heard nothing for a week, contacted EE to be told it had been declined on credit. Attempted to sign up again over the phone but declined a second time. 

Credit score is excellent. No missed payments, large credit availability and own my home.

Apparently they're having a lot of these issues and new sales are having to refer cases to the credit team.

Sort your systems out EE!



Best thing is, I checked Experian and CreditKarma - there is no indication of any credit searches from EE at all. This is bit absurd. I will try credit department, bit strange.

Yeah they're honestly useless.

I got passed from pillar to post before finding a resolution. Had to print off credit statements and send them to the credit department. 

Worst of all is the data breach they made by sending me other people's account information. If it wasn't for the deal, then I would have left it and stuck with Vodafone (in my opinion better, but slightly more expensive).