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Fraudulent Google Play Transactions


My phone was stolen on Saturday March 5th, and over the next 10 minutes or so they racked up £239.51 of charges over 19 Google Play transactions. They were not made on my own Google account. I went into an EE store to get a replacement SIM on the Monday and told them that my phone had been stolen. I did not discover the charges until today when my bank notified me of the upcoming direct debit. 


I have tried contacting Google Support and they directed me to a form to report these transactions, but they require a Correlation ID. I cannot find any information on this and all the support agent would tell me is "Your carrier will provide this". Any help either getting the Correlation ID or disputing these charges with EE would be much appreciated. 


Hi there

You have to put Ur mob number into the search engine on the Boku site, then all the transactions and attempted ones will drop down, there is an option at the top to block your number and then that will stop any further payments to Google!

Hi @Jacko1805 

Done that already but I can't access the initial fraudulent transaction because they have made over 100+ (some failed) fraudulent transactions... So I have tried to contact them via their online form but from their trust pilot reviews it seems they don't reply etc...

Wondering if you had to deal with Boku? 

Did they reply to you? I have been able to get a reply: (finally) but have yet to get the previous transactions. I have a similar situation to you that i need to see previous transactions too. 


"Would you please submit proof of mobile account ownership, in the form of a billing statement which shows your name as the mobile account holder of the charged mobile number.
Once I have that I can provide you with the necessary transaction history. "

Did you get the issue sorted?