Flex Pay Billing



I upgraded my contract a few months ago and now my bill is showing "Your Plan" and "Flex Pay" as separate billing items. I expense my bill through my employer but I need these items to show as one Item. This is new to me, its never been displayed like this before (Long term EE customer). Can I have both items combined for billing?


You should get some sort of remittance advice or confirmation of payment -
which I do for all other credit agreements I have and repay. It's extremely
common for phone bills to be an expense or recouperative cost to a business
and proof of payment from their side in whatever form is not an
unreasonable expectation.

I too need an invoice or payment schedule to allow me to claim my phone through my employer. 

How do I get a monthly invoice for the flex pay? I’ve had many credit agreements over the years and they have always had a schedule of payment or monthly invoice 

EE Community Support Team

Hello @Mikestrong

You will receive a bill each month for your allowances, at the beginning of your Flex Agreement you should have received information regarding your monthly payments for the device by either email or post. 


Hi Katie 

so there is no monthly invoice for payment? Only a one time agreement doc that shows the value? 

all other finance agreements have had a schedule of payments or invoice each month. Why is there not one here? I don’t know how I will claim this from my employer without an invoice 

EE Community Support Team

Hi @Mikestrong

That's right, you will only receive a bill each month for your allowances. 

You will not receive an invoice for the loan for the device. 


That’s ridiculous. Surely providing an invoice for payment is a basic request? 

How can I get something to submit to my employer to claim back? There must be something. 


EE Community Support Team

Hi @Mikestrong

The finance agreement does not provide monthly invoices as the payments are set out at the beginning. 

Are you able to try submitting the document you received at the beginning to your employer?

Alternatively, you could try calling our billing team to see if there is anything else they can recommend. 


I understand that but every finance agreement I have ever had, comes with a payment schedule detailed month by month, or has an invoice to say that this payment is due. 

I spoke with billing and they couldn’t help. I think this is a huge oversight on EEs part. Forcing this way of taking out a new phone and then not giving the correct documentation when requested. 

This is a known issue that EE aren't currently willing to fix. You have 2 routes to this info at the moment:

1. Use the App which allows you to see your payment history for finance agreement but is NOT a VAT invoice so may not be acceptable to your employer or,

2 Call EE every month after payment has been made and they can send you a record of payment (still may not be a VAT invoice?).

This is really disappointing as it is easily fixable between EE and the finance company. I was told the software was written by the finance company and therefore could not be changed and that the new EE website is in its infancy as it was only implemented in Feb 2023, so only THREE YEARS OLD! I was assured that the system was being improved and that this request would be added but I am not holding my breath. I would expect a business the size of EE to be able to resolve this but apparently not!


@danknight01   Maths isn’t your strong point then.   Feb 23 to feb 24 is 1 year, feb 24 to jan 25 is 11 months.     How do you get 3 years ?  I don’t even count 2 years. 

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.