31-07-2024 04:53 PM
Hi All
I use Boku to purchase items on FC24 like FC Points and for some reason this month the charges are not showing on my future bill. When calling 150 is states my bill is £0.00 which is correct but then extra charges there is usually a figure like £100.00 however this month its tellig me there are no extra charges for my bill in 15th August. On the online login i can only see one extra charge which again is incorrect. Just worries that when the bill hits on 16th August its still going to state no extra charges, why would this be as like i say month on month there are always extra charges and has been like this for over a week now.
31-07-2024 05:50 PM
Hello @horridchris.
Welcome to the EE Community.
Did you receive the FC points?
If you text BA to 150?
Please could you also confirm the date of the purchase?
31-07-2024 06:01 PM
Yes received the points and it was the 20th 21st and 22nd July when i purchased them, i have txt Balance to 150 and it states the service is temperarily unavailable and has been saying that for the past week now.
31-07-2024 06:07 PM
Thanks for trying @horridchris.
I have just tested texting BA to 150 and got a response.
I'd recommend getting in touch with customer care who have account access so they can take a look into your account.
If you could keep us updated here on the community that would be great, I'm intrigued as to what could be causing this.