19-09-2024 08:23 PM
Brand new to EE -
Literally signed a contract 2 days ago my old number only just got pulled over to EE. My device monthly cost should be £44.50 and my plan should be £16. Why in heavens name do I have the cost of a tech add on of £51 on my bill when I have barely setup my new phone. This is just a list of issues I have had since signing my contract on Tuesday
19-09-2024 08:58 PM
Hi @Kemz01
Did you buy anything else in addition to your handset and tariff.
19-09-2024 09:50 PM
Nothing literally just the handset
20-09-2024 08:19 AM
Thanks for letting us know @Kemz01
I'd like to get some clarity for you about that extra charge, so I'd recommend giving us a call on 150 from your EE phone, then select options 1, 2 then 1 again, then a billing guide will get this looked into for you.
Chris S