30-03-2023 11:12 PM
I want to cancel my sim only contract which i have already paid for this month but i just want to find out if the £24.00 that has been taken from my bank is a cancelation fee i just want to check does that conform i have now canceled my account if not why was this taken out. A bit unsure if this is right or not which is why iwant to check if not how can i cancel .
30-03-2023 10:57 PM
I would like to cancel my EE sim only contact which i have already paid for this month but i checked my bank and have had £24.00 taken out i was having trouble trying to cancel but is this from you a free because i want to cancel i just want to check as i was not aware it would be so much just to cancel a sim only contact .
30-03-2023 11:17 PM
Had you completed your contract term or been within 30 days of it when you cancelled it? If so, there should be no cancelation fee. Otherwise there will be.