03-02-2025 05:31 PM
I am getting to the end of my 12 month SIM only contract, and want another 12 month one but can only find 24 month ones on the website. Are 12 month deals not available any more?
03-02-2025 05:38 PM
Hi @Cottonfresh
24 month or one only plans are available or stay on your current plan.
03-02-2025 07:39 PM
These mobile contracts don't just end, just the min. term expires. They are not fixed term contracts. After the min. term they just carry on at the same price on a rolling 30-days' notice basis until you explicitly cancel, upgrade or port your no. away.
03-02-2025 10:58 PM
Are you specifically looking to change your plan? If not, you can just continue as you are without now being tied to a minimum term. Your contract is not a fixed-term one that stops - the logical extension of that would be your mobile service also stopping.