11-04-2024 11:17 AM
As with many other users, having been forced to 'upgrade' to the EE Smart Hub from BT, my Grandad has been unable to connect his laptop to the new hub. The option simply doesn't appear in his WiFi list.
I have already tried amending some of the hub settings such as WPA3 to WPA2 and WPA-WPA2, to no avail. The laptop is an old Toshiba, running Windows 7 (which was upgraded from a previous version).
I am quite annoyed to have been 'sold' this 'upgrade' only for it to not work as promised. My grandad cannot navigate technology and he lives 30 mins away from me so every trip over to help him out takes time and fuel neither of us can afford. Please can someone list all the variables/options I can try so that I can hopefully overcome this issue asap and in one trip. I have ordered a WiFi dongle to see if its his internal WiFi card that is just too old for the new tech but if that doesn't work, I need other options.
Many thanks for any help you can offer.
(P.S. I am a little too old for this new tech tuff too so if you can use lamens terms, that'd be great.)
11-04-2024 11:39 AM
I presume your router is actually the Smart Hub Plus (SH31B). I think you'll find the router is set to WiFi6 and/or WPA3. Your lappy probably can't cope with that. Change the router down to WiFi5 and WPA2.
10-10-2024 10:21 AM
Changing down the WiFi hasn/t made any difference what-so-ever for me, using a Lenovo L530 laptop - it still cannot see the WiFi at all 😞 According to the (?) button on the EE Hub, either the WiFi6-compatible or WiFi5 should support bgn type connections, but clearly doesn't.
20-11-2024 06:35 AM
Same problem with laptops 2 Lenovos and 2 Sony Vaio I bought a 2024 new Lenovo E14 Gen 5 last week as I thought the X270 had broken but still no connection What threw me the iPhones androids and iPads did connect (but no emails on WiFi only 5g or LTE
after 100 calls at least to BT EE 4 new hubs SH32b
I have solved the problem the ip address the hub is issuing to the laptops is not viable
eg I can’t remember exact ip but looking through all the tech info that’s where the problem lies the DHCP is not compatible with these rouge IP ADDRESSES there fore no connection
if you have the modem with the Guest Network set up a guest network and connect through that as a work round the guest network issues valid IPs though the speed is slower so you will get the laptop on line but the IMAP email issue is still there
on top of that I was also unable to receive imap emails on any device iPhone iPad android and of course laptops as the don’t connect
i solved this by using my old ASUS GT5300 Raptor router 3 months with EE after the migrate From BT where everything had been working perfectly They are sending me a BT router today to try see if that works
using my ASUS router as a work round it’s limited to 600bps download but can do the 100 upload and I have no digital voice phone I discovered a workaround for that using the ee router set up the digital voice then set divert on all calls to my mobile even after you remove the EE router the calls still get diverted downside there is no dialling out on the land line 29p per minute or call that’s no hardship but at least you don’t loose the incoming calls
they tell me I am the only one this has happened to after 4 routers all having same bug I don’t think so the other bug on that router fo digital voice Every time you change the router you loose the phone book yo saved as it’s in router not the handset there is a provision to import previous phone books but they omitted the feature to save or export the phone book so you can’t save anything to import
i moved from BT TO EE end of September now 20 Nov and it’s 1st time laptops connected or able to send or receive emails
900 mb package 2 mobiles total £68 a month 3 months it’s not been useable there is still issues with my account I can’t access phone and broadband on one account they have to be split in 2 as there is an issue of the account being set up then cancelled then set up again on same day but a different account number so it treats me a a scammer and locks me out BT are aware of this but as yet are unable to remove the 1st account that was set up in my name by mistake needless to say my but email accounts are also locked out
yes don’t believe the hype in the advertisements EE THE BEST NETWORK or BT and EE are all one family the move to EE has been a nightmare and every call to CS takes 2 hours and it always ends up in it will take a couple of days to fix I am still waiting some Guides are better than others The Guy helping me now from Newcastle is a real gentleman he does call me every 3 days or so and has had the patience and understanding to help me sort this out with out his help I would have thrown the towel in and cancelled the contract and argued in court over the penalties for leaving I was on the verge of cancelling the direct debit
I didn’t realise you can use the old router even though it’s full fibre to the house as my old router had a Open Reach modem I the ONT or POS what ever they call it is technically just a modem They guy helping me now explained that which is when I discovered the answer