Trying to get an expected delivery date of installation of a Full Fibre Service.


My Mother-in-Law is 90 years old that has Dementia and mobility issues.  We have had to install a camera at her property (with 2 way speech) to make sure she stays safe as she was answering the door to complete strangers in the dark. 

Her connection is currently with Plusnet and is ~1.6Mb/s down and well less than ~0.5Mb/s up which causes problems with the camera stream.  It was decided to go Full Fibre and we have bought a Digital Home Phone with a backup battery so that she can still accept calls and transfer her existing phone number so that everyone 'carries on as usual' when they call her.  She also has a Mobile Network connected 'Lifeline'.

Unfortunately Plusnet do not do Full Fibre with a phone connected and so it was suggested that she transferred to EE who could.  Now at 90 years old and with Dementia, she does not understand this new stuff, and so I was there to help guide her through organising the change of Suppliers.  I was already Authorised to talk to Plusnet, and when the call was transferred to EE to complete the paperwork, my MIL Authorised me to talk to EE on her behalf about anything on the Account.

Today, after passing of the install date by several weeks, I tried to get some information regarding delivery of the service from EE.  The call was answered after about ten minutes or so and I spoke with someone, who told me that Data Protection had to be invoked (understandably!) and there being no mention of me on the account (why, when it was explicitly requested at the time of ordering) he put me on hold while 'he spoke to someone'.  There I was, on hold, the call ended and I get a text from 'BT' asking how I rated the service.  Anyone like to guess??

I can find nowhere in the Account to send an email too (evidently I can do more if I download the APP - no thank you), so thought this might be a good place to ask if someone, somewhere, somehow, can get some information on when we can expect a functional Full Fibre Service.

You don't even have to answer me, just send a letter to the Account Holder at the installation address (which Openreach marked out and got a Permit to Work signed on 6th February).

I know, there is no account number or names, I do have them but will not post on an open Forum.

Meanwhile, we are trying to protect a 90 year old Lady, with Dementia and mobility issues, from being scammed or injured.  It is a big worry for me and especially my Wife, as the MIL is on an internet connection that is nowhere near suitable.



This is true, by the time the decision was made, she was already diagnosed and was declining rapidly.

Brilliant Contributor
Brilliant Contributor

@apacheman So you are aware, the DV side runs up to and about 48hrs start to finish with the potential off NO landline during the switching period NO ONE tells you off this fact, there appears to be incoming and outgoing calling setups then it all gels together, voicemail CANNOT be removed EE playing hardball so setup the maximum 10 rings, also do setup the dial check service to you/wife mobile should you need to check remotely. Will link the BT manual as EE have not done the paper copy.

The EE Help above is very good once you work it out were to get to and what to search.



Skilled Contributor
Skilled Contributor

If your not getting a response try contacting ee broadband or you could make a complaint with the customer relations team when I had a problem that wasn’t getting fixed I contacted the ceo viva they’re email and that got things fixed for me 

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@apacheman   In some of your messages it sounds like you have things in hand and on plan.

However no one on here has account access , no email service, or trusted members as you call them to give you the extra info you seem to be seeking.

However I am concerned the data you have provided does not match, you say in your first post 1.6Mbps download, and elsewhere talk about VDSL, yet the BTW table shows the connection is ADSL and 6Mbps, and that VDSL could have been available at 50Mbps, which would be more than enough to provide the services you describe.

You also mention you pay extra for an ISP that provides the additional customer service you want, which I assume is not EE, so curious why you would not be using them?

I realise this must be a stressful time, and as such mistakes can be made, but what is it you are looking for from this forum? 

There is a complaints process, which may result in a more personalised response, but may take longer than you hope for. 




You've no need to know who I am. I'm just here to communicate thro' this forum. However you were asking us to send a letter to an unknown person from here which we obviously can't do.

If you think I helped please feel free to hit the "Thumbs Up" button below.

To phone EE CS: Dial Freephone +44 800 079 8586 - Option 1 for Mobile Phone & Mobile Broadband or Option 2 for Home Broadband & Home Phone

ISPs: 1999: Freeserve 48K Dial-Up > 2005: Wanadoo 1 Meg BB > 2007: Orange 2 Meg BB > 2008: Orange 8 Meg LLU > 2010: Orange 16 Meg LLU > 2011: Orange 20 Meg WBC > 2014: EE 20 Meg WBC > 2020: EE 40 Meg FTTC > 2022:EE 80 Meg FTTC SoGEA > 2025 EE 150 Meg FTTP
EE Community Support Team

Hi @apacheman 

I'm just picking this up for @Katie_B and will send you a Private Message so we can chat further.



Thank you everyone who has replied to this message.  I am currently dealing with this through PM.