Sent returns kit back but not arrived


I moved to EE from sky back in January after a massive price hike... I ordered a pro box, a mini box and a router hub. 

Only the hub and 1 mini box arrived. So I called them up and the woman told me there was a problem with the pro boxes so I would have to have another mini box for the living room and when the problem with pro boxes are sorted they will send me a pro box. 

After the mini box arrived I called EE because the mini box wasn't suitable because I couldn't record ect.... so I called them and the guy was like. No idea why they sent you a mini box. Il send you a pro box now.... ( why did the woman lie to me saying I couldn't have a pro box ) ?? 

So I needed to return the mini box, fine.... not a problem. The returns kit arrived on the 23rd Feb 24. I send it back on the 26th Feb.... over 6 weeks ago. 

I am still getting messages and emails saying to return my kit. I sent it back !! 

I washed the recipt from the post office (back pocket of jeans) so have no way of tracking it. 

But I can't return kit that I have already returned and I don't think its fair that I get billed for not returning a mini box ( which I shouldn't have had in the 1st place ) when I have. 

If EE would have sent the correct kit in the first place and not messed me around sending me boxes I didn't need I wouldn't be in this position. I will be leaving EE as soon as my contracts up. Customer service isn't great when they completely lie about things. 

EE Community Support Team

Good morning @Thelostgal.

Welcome to the EE Community 😊

I can totally understand your concern with this one, and we'd not want to see your mum charged for an item she genuinely returned. 

Have you had a chance to speak with our team about this yet, and did you get proof of postage when you sent this back?



I have had the exact same issue.. constant emails threatening a charge of £50 for not returning my kit. 

I sent it over 6 weeks ago. 

I still have my tracking number and receipt for my return but I cannot find an email address to send this too?!

Does anyone know?


EE Community Support Team

Hey there @Sophiemehh, welcome to the Community!

Was it EE or BT equipment you've returned here?

If you have the tracking details you should be all good here, but I definitely want to make sure we help point you in the right direction.


Hi John, it's Tezzy again. The i wrote this origional post back in April last year. 

Fast forward 9 months. I've had the same problem. My WiFi pro hub overheated causing my electrics to trip. EE sent me a replacement hub which is great.

I returned the old hub the same say my new one got delivered. Over 2 weeks ago

I'm now getting hounded by emailed and text messages telling me to return my kit. 



Brilliant Contributor
Brilliant Contributor

@Tezzy Take it you were more careful with the receipt and proof of posting, tracked it all back etc. That is all the information that EE will need, once they have that then checking on there end will let them know exactly where the item is.

My parcel was delivered to the hub on the 3rd Feb and signed for. I have the tracking information available. I shouldn't be receiving emails and text every couple of hours saying I need to return my kit. 

Brilliant Contributor
Brilliant Contributor

@Tezzy Automated e-mail messages. you want to get it stopped, then call EE CS with the tracking info.

Hi John, I am having the same issue can you please advise who to contact? 


EE Community Support Team

Hi @N20DUT 😊

Welcome to the EE Community!

What exactly was it you returned here, and did you send this tracked / request proof of postage?
