04-04-2024 08:27 AM
I moved to EE from sky back in January after a massive price hike... I ordered a pro box, a mini box and a router hub.
Only the hub and 1 mini box arrived. So I called them up and the woman told me there was a problem with the pro boxes so I would have to have another mini box for the living room and when the problem with pro boxes are sorted they will send me a pro box.
After the mini box arrived I called EE because the mini box wasn't suitable because I couldn't record ect.... so I called them and the guy was like. No idea why they sent you a mini box. Il send you a pro box now.... ( why did the woman lie to me saying I couldn't have a pro box ) ??
So I needed to return the mini box, fine.... not a problem. The returns kit arrived on the 23rd Feb 24. I send it back on the 26th Feb.... over 6 weeks ago.
I am still getting messages and emails saying to return my kit. I sent it back !!
I washed the recipt from the post office (back pocket of jeans) so have no way of tracking it.
But I can't return kit that I have already returned and I don't think its fair that I get billed for not returning a mini box ( which I shouldn't have had in the 1st place ) when I have.
If EE would have sent the correct kit in the first place and not messed me around sending me boxes I didn't need I wouldn't be in this position. I will be leaving EE as soon as my contracts up. Customer service isn't great when they completely lie about things.
18-04-2024 10:47 AM
07-05-2024 07:45 AM
@Ee did the same to me
i moved home and they did. Not send the bag for return. I phoned and they said they will send another one which never arrived.
I phoned again an and I was told that there are issues with the back end systems and they cannot send another bag.
the area I am in has ZERO EE coverage for our cell phones as well. Now they want to charge me £85 for a router that they cannot collect or send a bag for due to their issues????
@EE get your act together.
13-05-2024 07:09 PM
I now have a BT/EE email saying all kit returned by me has been received and I owe nothing. I was told to screen shot this and send to the debt collectors. I did this 3 weeks ago and despite weekly calls I have had no notification from the collectors saying the "case is closed". EE won't speak with them on my behalf and they won't send me the notification based on the screen shot! What a cowboy outfit BT/EE is
26-05-2024 12:20 PM
I’ve not even received my return bag - and I’m getting emails to remind me to return my kit. Please can this be sorted?
26-05-2024 02:18 PM
@Zu79 : Follow https://ee.co.uk/help/orders/return-and-recycle-ee-product . If you have not received a return bag you may call 0330 123 1105 for 1.
25-10-2024 04:29 PM
I returned mine too back on 2/10/2024 and still getting "return our kit" i do however have the tracking info it confirms EE recieved the parcel.
26-10-2024 10:24 AM
Welcome to the community.
If you have returned the equipment and have the tracking details, please give our team a call so they can get this chased for you.
You can can find the numbers to reach the team on our Contact Us page.
27-10-2024 01:25 PM
Thankyou for the reply but i'm not messing around wasting time phoning, my responsibility ended once i dropped the kit at the post office as EE provided the packaging and chose the method of poostage it is therefore EEs responsibility now.
I just don't have time to mess around phoning unfortuantly.
27-10-2024 03:31 PM
I can understand where you are coming from @legendkiller2k, but it will need account access to help to get this resolved for you, which we don't have here on the community.
I would recommend giving the team a call when you can so then can make sure it is updated on your account that it has been returned so there are no charges applied.
05-01-2025 09:44 AM
Hi John,
My mum has had the same issue with her EE account, she received a 4g mini hub box, even though we explained it wouldn’t work in our living situation. It didn’t work, we tried to send it back & they’re saying after 2 months we haven’t given it back, when we have. They’re charging her every every month for it when we haven’t even used the service, we cancelled it within the 14 days initially. Really don’t know what to do.
Please help! Thankyou!