06-12-2024 04:27 PM
Got the new wifi 7 installed, supposed to be the all singing all dancing wifi that reaches every corner of your house.... but we still have a dead spot in the house. Customer service have sent out a 2nd extender unit and explained that these mesh / bounce off each other and this should work, units are only a few meters apart, but we are still getting the solid "orange" lights on the far unit. I have linked it to the main hub, even tried linking it to the 1st extender, what am I doing wrong?
06-12-2024 05:14 PM
Try moving the second extender further away/to the edge of range of the hub. If the far unit has an amber LED (and the first one doesn't) then it suggests it's connecting back to the hub rather than daisy-chaining off the extender.
Failing that, an amber light should still mean that the extender is operational, albeit with a weak signal back to the hub. Perhaps it suffices at patching your notspot regardless?
11-01-2025 03:00 PM
Similar issue here, when the final extender is in the same room as the intended send point they pair but when I move it to where I want to use it which is not very far away (old victorian house with thick walls making direct connections a problem) it keeps the solid orange light on. I'm guess that it is trying to use the weak main hub signal rather than the stronger signal from the intended send point - an Orbi based link over the same route works fine so it is not to do with metallic window films. Scratching head as to how to get a seemless wifi coverage without using the Orbi.