11-11-2024 10:25 PM
Just plugged in my Smart Hub Plus this morning and a couple of issues. Although the hub indicates a constant connection the internet keeps dropping, both wired and WiFi, every now and then. Nothing will work for a few minutes then things will start working again. Haven't been rebooting/power cycling the router other than a couple of times just waiting it out.
Wondering if this is to be expected given it's a new account and things may settle down, though it concerns me that it isn't loosing the connection as far as I have noticed according to the light. Set up a third party DNS with my desktop that is directly connected just in case that was the issue but it still happens.
Also wondering if there should be more details on the router info page, on the Sky router you could see the noise/attenuation etc., not that I could do much with that info I suppose.
Not been able to connect via the EE app yet, says the order is still in process
11-11-2024 11:01 PM - edited 11-11-2024 11:04 PM
Which EE BB plan are you on including its speed?
Foolishly EE has omitted reporting on useful things like noise margins & attenuations on its SH+ to the detriment of ADSL & FTTC users.(I could do a lot with such info 😉)
What does BT Wholesale Broadband Availability Checker estimate for your phone number? Post just the whole table and the line above it, blanking out your phone number. If it doesn't recognise your phone number or you don't have one, use the Address Checker.
You might try reducing Wireless Mode to WiFi5.
11-11-2024 11:44 PM
Speeds are about what I expect so that looks right - it's more this intermittent hanging that has me concerned. It's typical that I decide to move then the EE mobile coverage in the area goes down because of a dead tower so we are really relying on the fixed line BB for everything including WiFi calling. Had a good hour or so of it working since posting the thread but it's just been down for a bit now and there was nothing on the router in terms of the light or the status page that suggested there was an issue.
11-11-2024 11:47 PM
What looks right? Am I allowed to see it?
12-11-2024 12:01 AM - edited 12-11-2024 12:03 AM
I meant what the router is showing as the speeds looks about where it was on the Sky router. I did post the BT data in another thread when my first order got mysteriously cancelled by 'The Network' according to Sky so I think this should link to what you want?
Edit I did take some screen caps before it went down and the Sky router was 20343 down 332 up
12-11-2024 02:29 AM
Wow, that is slow FTTC (as I said at the time) & that's what you are achieving. As the router seems to be connected OK, oi looks like the issue is with the WiFi. Have you tried WiFi5?..
12-11-2024 06:04 AM
@Stoneware New router, you are just behind FW wise, so you can expect the router to get update to the latest shortly. If you can post up the status screen pic, will show if you line is keeping stable time wise, Network uptime, system uptime. Latest FW posted below, that is what the update will show you.
Firmware version: r1.35.0-R-1138091-PROD-83002
12-11-2024 06:13 AM
Ah, @JimM11 , you're 1 of those peeps that believes FW updates & router replacements are a cure-all. They rarely are; only in exceptional circumstances.
12-11-2024 06:22 AM
@XRaySpeX You are completely wrong, i still have the same router that EE sent to me day 1, went through 3 months of line sync issue's, on fttc with 40/10 split, came from sky to EE, know and have my opinion of what the router is like. Pointing out that there is a current FW update, automated by EE system. Upload is important on a slow fttc connection when the OP mentions that he is relying on wifi calling.
12-11-2024 08:10 AM
It's not just the WiFi, when it happens my desktop PC is connected directly into the router via ethernet and the internet on both the desktop and mobile don't work for a bit before coming back.