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Installation Date Wrong Twice?


Hey guys,

I bought the 1.6 Gbps EE Broadband package today online. I put an install date of the 19th of February, but I got a text message saying it would be the 2nd of February, which is not what I selected on the form.

I rang EE and they said that I had to take the package out again over the phone. 

I went through the whole process of taking the contract out again with the advisor, making sure to say I want an installation date of the 19th of February, but I got a text message that says the install date is the 5th of February! I told the advisor on the phone, and they said this is normal and my install date will definitely be what I picked. 

Can someone confirm if this is the correct process? I don’t want to waste an Openreach engineer’s time because I won’t have moved into the property by then.

It’s a 1.6 Gbps package so I assume they’ll need to replace the modem, but I don’t understand why the installation date keeps being incorrect. 

Any advice is appreciated! 



I have checked my EE app and discovered that the installation date here is still incorrect. 

This is not a good experience as a first time customer…

EE Community Support Team

Hi, @ChrisP99 I'm sorry about that, I'll send you a private message so you can get in touch with the moderation team. We can ask the 1.6Gb fibre team to look into this for you.

