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Full Fibre Installation Woes


We originally applied to have full fibre installed early Feb 2024, and was given an install date of the 23rd of Feb. The Openreach engineer came out to install the fibre on the 23rd but found our ducts to be inaccessible, so he tried our neighbours (with their permission) and theirs was hitting some form of blockage. The engineer sprayed a line across the front garden to mark where the civil's team would need to dig, which on the 4th of April they turned up and done the dig, laid the new ducting with a pull cord inside. Still to this day (18/04/2024) they have left barricades out the front of the house around a hole which instead of filling in properly they have just dumped the rubble in. Not sure why they didn't tarmac it straight away as they did a little stretch which has all sunk now. Anyway we then had an Openreach engineer come out Tuesday to install our fibre, he goes to the manhole which our house should connect to find the pull cord isn't in there, so he checks another manhole which is down the street and finds it in there. We then find out this manhole hasn't been commissioned yet for full fibre so we either need Openreach to sign it off and commission it (The CBT etc is already in the manhole) or they are going to need to figure out how to run the fibre cable from the house to the correct manhole. The engineer I spoke to said that he has sent this off to the tiger team to deal with. A few other engineers I have spoke to have suggested that if they can't commission the manhole for full fibre then another dig might be needed which is going to add even more delays, and could potentially get to the point where we're going to have to pay towards the install for something that isn't our fault and is down to pure stupidity on the civil's  teams part. The next update we should get from Openreach should be on the 23rd of April, as they have escalated it apparently but whether this actually gets us anywhere quicker I dont know. Seems like we're having some of the worst luck possible with this. I was wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience and what ended up happening in the end?


To now top it off an engineer came out Tuesday to run the fibre cable (which had already been laid). He then realised he couldn’t do so fast forward to today there are two Openreach vans outside the house and they are going to redirect the cable to the correct pit/CBT. Turns out way the ducting needs to go is blocked either because of the dig team did a bad job or didn’t cut the tubing so that it could go either way. How the dig team is required to come out again (2nd time now) to fix the mistake and make it so the cable can be run the correct way. Hopefully they won’t have much of a job to do as the pit they left filled with rubble is still there along with the shocking pavement tarmacking that they done the first time round


It's getting even worse. Had an engineer come out on Thursday to complete the installation, which obviously failed due to the fibre being ran to the incorrect CBT. Another engineer then came out later that same day to do the exact same thing, but he instead tried to rod from the incorrect CBT to the correct CBT but his rod wasn't long enough, so he said he would be back on Friday with a longer one to finish the install. Different engineer turns up at 8AM Friday morning, works out that he can't do the job and that his rod is also too small so he goes away again. Call EE to speak to Darius who has been dealing with our install issues to find there is no mention of two engineers coming Thursday, only one, and no mention of an engineer coming on Friday. So far this hasn't been a great experience with mess up after mess up. It seems like communication within Openreach is nonexistent as they seem all over the place.

Established Contributor
Established Contributor

Full works & Full Fibre 500 GB All Rounder should have been installed today following countless previous broken promises BUT - YEP = FAILED YET AGAIN??? Apparently todays engineers were Stage 2 meaning broadband installation ONLY but should have bee preceded by Stage 1 SURVEY - which I’ve had done on 3 separate occasions since February 2023?? It appears a 551 report requiring groundwork’s to provide a PROPER feed for fibre to home BUT seems to have been mislaid AGAIN = incompetence level now at the level of absurd?? Anyone offer any help as both EE & BT & NEW EE seem incapable of COMMUNICATING - they are in CHAOS & are misleading us poor mortals especially us 80 year old OAP - disgusted??

Dave Davies 

Established Contributor
Established Contributor

What has Darius said to this - or has he resigned in frustration ???