Download speed


I recently got full fibre 500 broadband. According to my ps5 I am getting 511mbps download speed. That’s using a wired LAN connection.

but when I download a game I am only getting 50-60mbps. A 70gb game file takes around 20 minutes to download.

i had similar speeds with other broadband providers so it’s not specific to EE. 
Is there something wrong with my cable connection or something that I am only receiving a 10th of the speed I should be getting?


Star Contributor
Star Contributor

It may be limited by the servers which you are downloading from, possibly a Sony related issue.

Not sure how it presents on PS5, but are you sure it's not showing you MB/s as opposed to Mbps?

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

Downloads are usually measured in GigaBytes (GB). 70 GB ~= 560 Gbits = 560000 Mb. In 20 mins that's 28000 Mb/min = 467 Mbps.

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