08-11-2024 02:24 PM
I have a Smart Hub Plus extended by a Smart WiFi Plus booster (y'know, if you have to put "Smart" in the name, that tells me everything I need to know about how smart the device is). I have a Guest network configured for IoT devices. However, all the IoT devices struggle with weak WiFi signal. Running around the house with a network scanning tool on my phone, it appears that the Booster isn't extending the Guest (IoT) network, only the Main network.
So my question is: is this expected behaviour? is the Booster supposed to support the Guest network as well as the Main network?
Solved! See the answer below or view the solution in context.
09-11-2024 11:33 AM
@Ogram - Guest WiFi is not supported by the extenders and only broadcasts from the main unit. I guess this may change in future but for now, that's the way it seems to be.
What is the reason for connecting the IoT devices to the Guest network? Is it a question of compatibility or security? I'm surprised that they're all working to be honest as the Guest WiFi is on a completely different VLAN to the main WiFi network. I'd have thought that might cause some problems when trying to communicate with the IoT devices from the main network.
08-11-2024 02:33 PM
@Ogram Was the guest network turned on after you had setup the smart wireless extenders?
08-11-2024 04:54 PM
I think that it probably was. However, I've since deleted the Booster and reconnected it (using WPS) and there's still no Guest network on the Booster. I guess the next step is a full factory reset of the Booster. Seems like a pretty poor mesh design if configuration data isn't replicated to all mesh partners!
08-11-2024 05:38 PM
@Ogram Do not use the EE mesh, use real Asus AiMesh, seems like the EE Mesh takes a few days to bed in and work out what it needs to do, hopefully someone using the guest feature and also smart wireless will pipe up and have a look see. Have a look with your analyzer and see what channel is on both the router and extender plus mac generation for each, bad enough trying to get devices to show up web interface, and not showing in the app, now flipped the mac as before to a random assignment since yesterday picked up a laptop name, god knows why but as not in the app then no change can be made and not resetting for love nor money....
09-11-2024 12:01 AM
"Get new kit" isn't really a tenable solution. I need to work with what I have and apply pressure to EE to make their stuff work properly (fat chance, but if everyone just buys alternate kit then EE definitely won't get better). I'm afraid the rest of your message from "bad enough..." makes no sense to me, I'm not sure how this is meaningful in the context of my issue. (The EE app is truly apalling if that's what you're saying)
09-11-2024 12:13 AM
@Ogram Point in origin, slight change made by EE somewhere on there system completely changed the outlook that is now viewed via the web interface! There is the option of you raising your point with EE Tech support, would drop the IoT as reference though, not what a guest network is about.
09-11-2024 11:33 AM
@Ogram - Guest WiFi is not supported by the extenders and only broadcasts from the main unit. I guess this may change in future but for now, that's the way it seems to be.
What is the reason for connecting the IoT devices to the Guest network? Is it a question of compatibility or security? I'm surprised that they're all working to be honest as the Guest WiFi is on a completely different VLAN to the main WiFi network. I'd have thought that might cause some problems when trying to communicate with the IoT devices from the main network.
09-11-2024 01:05 PM
Ah! Thanks for that, it's useful information. Do you happen to have a reference; is it in the documentation anywhere? It matches my observations, but I still have a factory reset of the Booster to attempt before abandoning the effort.
I (want to) keep the IoT devices off the main network for security reasons. IoT devices are generally apallingly insecure because the manufacturers care about selling features and maximising margins; security and privacy are not features that sell, so I want to isolate them from devices that hold data. Yes, there are communications challenges that can be caused by isolating the IoT devices from the rest of the devices, but they are not a consideration for the configuration that I use. However, using the main network for IoT and the Guest network (without booster) will definitely cause me some pain.
10-11-2024 08:59 AM
I got an email from EE "If you didn't find the perfect answer, please post a comment to let us know. It's likely that other customers, such as our Community Stars, will help you out. If they can't help, a member of the EE Community Team will."
Well, bobpullen's answer certainly agrees with my observations, but it's not "the perfect answer" because -despite how helpful bobpullen was being (thanks!) it's not backed up by EE documentation (probably because there isn't any documentation). So I'm posting here as instructed, hoping the the EE Community Team will respond with a definitive response.
10-11-2024 11:13 AM
Dunno if Guest WiFi | Keep Your WiFi Under Control helps much:
Guest’s devices are kept separate from your main WiFi to help keep your home devices safe.