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iPhone 13 pro max delivery

Established Contributor
Established Contributor

Hi, can anyone help me out? 
I had an update on my tracker 2 days ago saying that my phone was expected to be dispatched in the next 24hrs although I’ve had nothing on my dpd app or any further updates on the tracker.

I ordered the pro max 128gb Sierra blue on the 29th September.

Can anyone tell me how long after getting this update their phone was delivered? 
The wait is killing me😩x



EE Community Support Team

The current delivery guidance for that model is to expect dispatch within 28 days, @Dh71


We'll clear the oldest orders first. DPD will be in touch when it's ready to deliver.

Thanks for your patience so far.



@Dh71  I’ve ordered that exact same phone , and my tracker is same , I’ve had expected delivery date and then it changed to awaiting delivery , and then it said yesterday dispatch within 24hrs then changed to dispatching soon then back to dispatch within 24 hours , I don’t know weather I’m coming or going and when it’s gonna be deliverd and tbh  I don’t think the tracker is accurate , my 28days is up next week so god knows what’s going on .

Established Contributor
Established Contributor


yes that is exactly what happened to me! I ended up contacting ee through Twitter and they said that my order was in “open” status which apparently means that they’re waiting on more stock to be delivered so they could send my order out. Then he continues to say wait for the dpd notification and that it shouldn’t be much longer… fingers crossed for us both.


lucky I ordered at the same time and mine is still sat on awaiting confirmation